Journey Through Proverbs - 3:11-12

Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

There are consequences for our actions - and with good reason. If you've ever watched the show Heroes, you know that it's hard for Claire not to think of herself as invincible. We need our wounds to remind us of our mortality.

I believe the consequences of our actions are a built-in safety net provided by God to protect us from our own foolishness - physically, emotionally and spiritually.

It would have been wonderful when I got sober, if everything in my life would have miraculously all fallen into order without any effort on my part. Or would it? What would I have learned? What would keep me from going right back to the old patterns of behavior that took me to the brink of death?

It has taken me many years to recover completely from some of the terrible mistakes I made during my years of alcohol and drug abuse. Some I haven't been able to recover from yet and still other problems will never be healed. But every single painful episode has taught me an invaluable lesson about God's mercy and love and the hope He offers me for the future.

When you hear yourself crying out, "why God? Why me? Why now? Why must I go through this?" Listen carefully for His answer. He will reveal it and you will find comfort and peace in His sovereign ways, no matter how difficult it might be. His discipline is for the son or daughter He loves.

My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

Rejoice in every challenge which is the discipline of a loving Father.

Dear Lord, how precious is Your love, how marvelous Your ways. We submit to Your plan and accept the sting of Your discipline, knowing it is for our own good. Grant us peace, dignity and hope in the lessons You teach. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:10

Proverbs 3:10 Then your barns will be filled to overflowing,and your vats will brim over with new wine.

Everything in life is based on cause and effect. You do this and such and such happens.

The pessimist may wonder why bad things always happen to them. I believe if we honestly look at our life's circumstances, we will clearly see that we ourselves have been the cause of every effect in our adult life.

But what about early childhood? Anything that happened to us in our youth is the result of the actions of our parents or whatever family raised us. Therefore, they do have an effect on our lives. But there comes a point at which we must face the hand we've been dealt and determine how were going to play it.

Two women were raised by the same screwed up alcoholic parents. One loved and trusted everyone. The other trusted no one. One's life is all about giving. The other gives little. One worships God and believes in the Savior Jesus. Her sister wants nothing to do with organized religion and relies on Buddhism to find spiritual strength. One loves the truth while the other tells lies like she doesn't even realize she's doing it and wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face. Same hand, different strategy for living.

The most important word in Solomon's statement is "then." It implies that something comes before the overflowing barns and brimming wine vats: Honor God and give.

Only when we do the one thing will the other thing result. Cause and effect.

The cause of one sister's tormented, disjointed, dishonest and untrusting life, is her choice to turn away from God and hoard whatever she has for herself and her own family. The cause of the other sister's peace, joy and hope in the Lord is her decision to honor God and give back to Him what was His in the first place.

Neither woman is homeless or in need of anything. But the final outcome of this game is still to come. One's hand promises only eternal suffering. The other's wins entrance to heaven - forever glorifying God and sharing in overflowing barns and brimming vats.

Let's not get too excited about those brimming vats - there will be no drunkeness in heaven. These are only metaphors for God's abundant blessings!

We are faced with choices every day. We can look up, choose not to sink into self pity and indulge our addictions, or we can be like the sister condemned to misery today and forever. What will your fate be?

I'm looking forward to the inheritance of my Father!

Father in heaven, how we long to be with You, filled to overflowing with Your goodness! Give us this day, our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation, but keep us on the path to Your great banquet hall. Remind us to be thankful for all that we have, to leave what was done in the past, and to keep our eyes on the blessings to come. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:9

Proverbs 3:9 Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.

When I first got into recovery, I was going to a meeting every single day. When coworkers and friends asked about it, insinuating my behavior was excessive or obsessive, I explained that I drank every day. Was it a crutch? Yes. A cripple needs help. I was an emotional cripple and needed all the support I could get.

One of the first things I learned in those early meetings was to be of service. All recovery meetings are self supporting financially and operationally. Members donate their time, talents and money for the benefit of each group.

As members of a church, (if you're a Christian I certainly hope you're involved in a fellowship of believers,) we do the same thing.

Solomon reminds us here to honor God with the firstfruits of our crops. That means the cream. The best we have to offer. Why? Because everything we have is thanks to a loving Father who provided it all for us.

We don't offer the dregs of the coffee pot to visitors, we brew a fresh pot. We don't scrounge up a few pennies to give a gift to someone we love, we give lavishly from our wealth.

If it's so important to be kind to our guests and give extravagantly to a loved one here on earth, how much more important is it to give wholeheartedly to the One who gave it all for us?

Our firstfruits in this day and age are probably not crops, since few of us are farmers. We don't have much but we give financially first to God, no matter what. Each day I give God the firstfruits of my time in prayer, study and devotion before doing anything else. He comes first.

What's the best you have to offer God? Time? Talent? Financial wealth? Compassion? Whatever it is, give to God the best that you have. Not for ourselves, but for His honor and glory.

Father, we humbly come before You with all that we are and all that we have. We offer ourselves to You, a living sacrifice. Take our time, our talent, and all that we have; use them according to Your purposes for Your glory. May we honor You with the firstfruits of all our "crops," whatever they might be. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:8

Here's to Better Health

Proverbs 3:8 This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

It's a known fact that stress breaks down the immune system leaving us wide open for disease.

Addictions first make us feel good. Whether we take drugs to alleviate physical pain, eat or drink to cover emotional pain, or gamble for the adrenaline rush, there's one purpose for seeking our drug of choice - relief; escape; to feel better about ourselves.

Over time, these things begin to cause physical problems, breaking down the liver, creating fat and lack of motivation, high blood pressure and heart disease just to name a few. What was once our respite, turns on us and becomes our bitter enemy.

As we give up our addictions and begin to seek God's way, eventually we find ourselves on the road to better overall health.

I'd always been a pretty healthy person all my life. I rarely had the flu, my colds were always short and mild, and that was the extent of it. A couple years before I got sober, I suddenly started getting sick a lot, culminating in a serious case of bronchitis. Even after I got sober, I still found myself sick far more than ever before in my life, experiencing problems with my kidneys, back, and frequent viruses. At first I joked that the alcohol had been like a preservative in my system, protecting me from illness. After I'd been clear-headed for awhile, I began to see what had really happened. The years of abuse had done some damage to my cells and that wasn't going to get better over night.

As we turn to God for wisdom and guidance, the body and mind begin to heal. We exercise more and eat healthier, seek healthier relationships, and become a giving member of society, bit by bit we recover more than just overcoming our addiction.

Some damage cannot be healed - we may have taken our addictions too far. But keep in mind how much worse things could be, probably would be, had you not made the decision to get help when you did! Let's be grateful for whatever we do recoup rather than focusing on irreversible damage done. Let's focus on the One who knows the way to optimal health for each of us.

This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

I'll have a drink of water to that - here's to better health!

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the strength to say no to our addictions, for the regeneration of damaged cells, for the resolve to stay the course and get healthier, day by day. We give You all the glory, in Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:7

Don't be a Horses Patute

Proverbs 3:7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.

I was an emancipated minor by the age of fifteen. When I was seventeen, while sharing an apartment with my brother for a time, he accused me of being an alcoholic. Just because I had a fake ID and came home with a six pack every day after work, didn't make me a drunk, I assured him. "I can give it up any time I want," I bragged. Just to prove my point, for the next month I drank white grape juice every day instead of beer.

Who was I trying to convince? As soon as my thirty days of sobriety was up, I went right back to my daily six pack and promptly moved elsewhere.

A number of times in my drinking career I moved away from people who called me on my drinking and tried to help. I did not fear the Lord and sought my own wisdom which told me I was just fine. I didn't "need" to drink, and why couldn't everybody mind their own business?

As an earlier Proverb told us, fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. When I finally realized there was a power greater than myself and that He might have a better life for me if I would just seek Him, things began to change. When I turned my will and my life over to God as I understood Him, I began to change. When God became the center of my universe, I began to understand some things.

I'm late in writing this today because the enemy was on my tail all day long and doing his best to hold me in his grip. But I fear God: He is my Savior; He loosens the grip of the devil.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. Whatever you're trying to do on your own, let it go. Lean on the wisdom of God and let Him carry you through your trials.

Father, we lean on You and You alone. Strike the hold of him who would lead us astray and show us the way to go, in the strength of Jesus. In Your name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:6

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

A couple years ago there was a program on a cable channel I watched for awhile. Every time I watched Dead Like Me, I felt a twinge of guilt - would Jesus sit here and watch this with me? Does this glorify God? But I watched it anyway. It was a very funny show and I didn't want to give it up, despite the constant use of foul language and ungodly themes.

Viewing that one program led me to watch movies and other shows I wouldn't normally have seen. My soul began to feel like there was a layer of scum veiling me from God.

It's important to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. He's in each of us, niggling here, nudging there, to let us know when we're doing things that don't honor God. One thing always leads to another and we can become comfortable in that sludge.

We'll find ourselves on that slippery road by something as innocuous as attending a party where cravings are triggered by temptations presented. Then it's just one taste, one drink, one piece, one hit, one peek...

We can't acknowledge God in our prayer time, Bible study, or church and pretend He isn't at our side when we go where we have no business going. If you're asking yourself the question, "does this honor God?" you already know the answer. Just don't go there.

Repentance means turning around, going the other way. Sometimes for us, it means to literally run for our lives. If we come to God in confession and commit to changing our behavior, the only way to open the floodgates of God's blessings is by then following the direction of the Holy Spirit. The good news is, He does provide the strength, the courage and the guardrails to keep us on that path. He won't let us fall as long as we pursue Him.

When I stopped watching Dead Like Me, it was a decision that catapulted me back onto the road of peace. Little by little, I began to notice other areas where I'd veered away from God and He steered me right. It's amazing now to realize how far to the left I'd gone, completely unaware. That's the insidiousness of sin, how easily we're led astray. But over time, as I began to eliminate the distractions and refocus on my Savior, I regained the peace that surpasses all understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. On your own, it's impossible, with God, all things are possible. (Mark 10:27)

What are you hanging onto that's leading you astray? Look to the Savior. The Holy Spirit will guide you.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
O Father in heaven, holy and perfect is Your name!
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
You rule Lord: Your purposes will be accomplished here on earth, just as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Provide for us Lord, we are satisfied with all that You give!
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Father forgive our sins, that which we can never repay You for all You've done and sacrificed on our behalf, according to our forgiveness of those who have hurt us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Keep us from the road to destruction; protect us from Satan's lure.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For everything is Yours, You are all powerful, and we give You all the glory!
Forever and ever.
For all eternity.

Eph 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:5

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

The popular television program Lost has a lot of people speculating about what's really going on in the show. If you're not a viewer, let me give you a brief summary of the plot.

Flight 815 en route from Australia to the US crashes in the ocean near an island. A number of passengers survive, and fantastic things happen to them on this island. There are also bizarre occurrences within the island itself. The plot deals with how the people are affected by these events and how they respond.

As my husband and I have been reading through Judges in our morning study time together, we're seeing some things anew through God-filtered eyes.

Lost is a commentary on mankind. We look for someone to follow. Some follow paraplegic John Locke who was miraculously healed after the crash and is now strong as an ox. Some Follow Jack Shephard, a doctor. Interesting names the writers assigned these men.

Jack is supposedly the "good guy" but his life is a complete mess. Son of an alcoholic surgeon, he too is alcoholic and a drug addict. He's in love with Kate, wanted for murder of her alcoholic abusive father. She's also in love with Sawyer, (his name an alias) the James Dean bad boy of Flight 815.

John is a twisted emotionally disturbed character who is often right despite his loony behavior.

Both men want to lead but need guidance. Locke looks for guidance from "the island" while Jack goes by his instincts and has constant need to fix things.

Woven into the plot. as if it weren't nutty enough, is a deplorable character Ben, who is the most twisted of all. Yet they often trust him for answers even though he's a liar and murderer, because they feel they have no choice. In doing so, it appears they are putting their trust in the devil himself.

Every one of the characters in the program, are spiritually lost, condemned by their own human skin and foolish decisions.

The world is looking for answers in men - bosses, bankers and presidents - and ultimately they will let us down every time. The Israelites who were beloved by God, just as the members of Lost, were caught up in seeking answers from human leaders. Again and again they floundered, were beaten by their enemies, wounded, hungry, thirsty, wandering in deserts and dying.

Following men gets us into places we don't want to be, doing things we shouldn't be doing, leading us to our demise.

Who is Johh, Jack, or Ben in your life? Who do you look to for answers?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Only He can truly be trusted. Only He knows the way to go.

Heavenly Father, lead us from the island of temptation, remind us to turn to You, the infallible, in times of trouble, not fallible men. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:3-4

Proverbs 3:3-4 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

I might have known a hundred men
Who left my heart in shatters;
But I will rise to love again,
For loving is what matters.

Before I became a Christian I had fallen into depression and alcoholism which caused me to make a lot of really bad choices. It was interesting that today of all days, as I was looking for some old documents, I came across poetry I had written in those days, the laments of a love-lorn young woman.

In my teens, despite coming from a broken home and having experienced unjust and painful peer rejection from early on, already I understood that nothing in life was more important than to love.

You'll note I didn't say to be loved.

Whether one calls it karma, the law of sowing and reaping, cause and effect or whatever, the fact of the matter is, what we give is what we receive. If you're a taker, others will take from you. If you're mean spirited, others will be unkind to you. If you're vindictive, others will seek revenge against you. This is simply the way life operates.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Be loving and faithful to God and those around you and you will reap the blessings.

Early in my recovery as I was beginning my amends, I went to my sponsor asking how to deal with people who had hurt me when I had done nothing to hurt them. She said, "forgive them, pray the blessings you would want in your own life would be poured out on them."

This is what it means to have love and faithfulness permeate your soul. It's not about what we get, it's about what we give. The natural result is the blessings of God.

Pray for those who have done you wrong. It will heal your soul.

Heavenly Father, You are holy and majestic yet merciful and forgiving. You are faithful and loving to us even though we don't deserve it. May we listen to the heartbeat of the Holy Spirit prompting us to shine the love of Jesus onto those around us, even and especially those who have hurt us. Give us hearts to forgive, overflowing with love and faithfulness to all, for Your glory. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 3:1-2

Proverbs 3:1-2 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life and bring you peace. (paraphrased.)

NKJV My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.

God might title this section of Scripture, My Way, the High Way.

My body is breaking down, a natural result of aging. But it is in far worse shape than it needs to be. It was lovingly crafted by my Creator for His intended purposes. Despite my own better judgment (that still small voice that often alerted me like the Robot in Lost in Space warned, "danger, Will Robinson,") I lifted things that were beyond my capabilities, did a man's job which propelled erosion of my spinal disks, drank too much, ran with the wrong people and did things that ultimately caused damage to my delicate internal systems.

Suppose I had listened to that little voice instead of doing things my way? I would not have landed in the pit of despair, crying out for God's mercy. We could all divulge a fair share of coulda, woulda, shoulda that might have prevented the troubles we find ourselves facing today.

We can't do anything about past mistakes, but we can change our decisions today. We can commit to listening to that wise voice from within and obey the Holy Spirit of God.

Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart. Read, study and memorize God's word, store it in your heart for when it's needed to help you make right choices.

They will prolong your life and bring you peace. God knows best. Let's do it His way in our own best interests. His way is a better high than we could ever attain from food, alcohol, drugs or any other addictive earthly pleasure.

Lord God, You are all we need. Your word is our will. Grant us divine attentiveness to the Holy Spirit to guide us this day according to Your plans and purposes for our lives. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:22

Proverbs 2:22 But the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful will be torn from it.

I've had spells in my spiritual life when the well was dry, while I walked a parched and dusty road in search of refreshment.

During those times I was unable to praise God or pray, and isolated myself from friends or mentors who might offer wise counsel. Sometimes I've even doubted God, or been angry with Him for being silent. In these times, I was but one jigger away from losing my abstinence. Only by the grace of God did I not quench my thirst for spiritual fulfillment with the poison of demise.

But without question, every single time, when I finally found my way back to the well of living water, I realized what the problem had been. Me.

In Judges, we learned how time and again the Israelites listened to a wise leader for a few years, worshipped God and were blessed. Then they would intermingle with the inhabitants of the lands they lived in, who were not Jews, and got tangled up in idolatry. Things would go way south for a period until Israel cried out for God to rescue them. God was always faithful to bail them out and again they would walk with and worship Him for a time.

Beloved, we are no different today. When things fall apart, we suddenly realize we have not made God first in our lives - we've relied on other things, put our hope in materialism or other human beings. No amount of money, no fame or lover, nothing on this earth can redeem us but God alone.

Come to the well of living water and be refreshed.
The wicked will walk in the desert of their own souls, the unfaithful will not find His land of refreshment.

Forgive us Father for turning to idols, for forgetting our first love who saved us. Bring us back into Your good graces where once again our thirst for Your goodness will be quenched, our hunger for righteousness increased. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:21

Proverbs 2:21 For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it.

Life requires a delicate balance of the elements endure. Those who believe in the one-in-a-trillion chance that earth sprouted out of nothingness, with no divine purpose, are deluded.

The Columbine, Colorado's state flower, is an amazing example of this necessary stability. To think survival of any living organism could occur by "accident" is absurd. The Columbine is at once delicate and beautiful, yet hardy enough to survive the harshest conditions of the Colorado Rockies: high winds, drought, extreme heat and cold. It lives among tangles of scrub brush and weeds, its roots seeking nourishment in rocky soil.

Ah, if only we humans could live like flowers, unhindered by our harsh environment. Unfortunately, unlike these flora that delight us, emotions are enmeshed in our constitution.

Emotions drive us to love and nurture as well as to hate and destroy. Once more, the need for balance. When the chemistry gets out of whack, we get off track.

When God created man, perfect in every way, the human life form required certain elements for optimal performance. God gave us the earth and all that is in it. He gave implicit instructions for our own good and He gave us free will to choose whether we would abide by the rules or not. In our rebelliousness, we messed up the balance and humans have been unstable ever since.

It's never too late to go back to living an upright life, to seek that balance which promises improved health and endurance. We can live in this land, on this earth, in relative peace and enjoyment for our remaining days if we choose to. The choice is always ours. We can never blame God or others if things go awry. No matter what someone else has done or does in the future that affects your life, you still choose your actions and attitudes. Your life depends on walking in God's ways, in integrity.

Living upright means one day at a time making good choices; choosing abstinence over indulgence.

For the upright will dwell in the land and the blameless will remain in it. With the right balance, you can survive the rocky soil.

Lord, help us to remember today that You're in control, You have a plan, and Your way is always best. Holy Spirit guide us today. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:20

Proverbs 2:20 So you may walk in the way of goodness, and keep to the paths of righteousness.

Let's go back to what Solomon was talking about here, from the beginning. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Then he goes on to discuss how easily sin draws us into the snare of doom. He's now saying, understand these things in order that you might walk instead in the way of goodness, paying attention to wisdom, surround yourself with good people who walk in godly ways.

The company we keep is so very important to recovery and stability. As the metaphor goes, one bad apple will turn the whole bunch rotten. Put a perfectly good slice of bread in with a moldy one and the next day the good slice will also be moldy. If you accidentally drop your paper in a mud puddle, you wouldn't put your clean sheets against the one that's been muddied...

We become infected by that which is tainted.

I still struggle to this day with a chameleon personality. If I'm in a roomful of comedians, there's no end to my humor. When in a crowd of intellects, I find myself using words the meanings of half of which I'm not altogether certain about. Put me at a party with small children and I revert to ten year old behavior. Being around people who use foul language will prompt off-color words to spill from my own lips, much to my dismay.

Having recognized this as a result of sobriety and spiritual growth, where I spend my time is very important to me. I choose to be with solid Christians who are serious about understanding Scripture, growing in faith and ministering to the needs of others.

What I do with my time at home is equally important: the Internet, books, movies, and television all have an affect on my way of life and attitude.

Take inventory of your lifestyle today. Where are you spending your time, with whom, and what do you do when you're alone?

So you may walk in the way of goodness, and keep to the paths of righteousness.

Praise God for the wisdom of Solomon and keep in mind, we don't have to repeat the mistakes of others to learn this wisdom. Let's just listen to the Holy Spirit. He knows where we should go, who we should spend our time with and what we should be doing.

Lord God, we praise Your wisdom and all Your ways. Grant us the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide us when we stray, clear the path ahead and remind us to stick with others who have walked this road before. May we seek the kingdom of God with all due diligence for Your glory and our joy. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 2:19

Proverbs 2:19 None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.

My father went to AA for a few years with my mother in the 1950's. Mom remained sober for the rest of her 85 years and found peace. My dad died at 72, a pathetic, lonely man in denial. Although the diagnosis was stroke, I believe he died of a broken heart which could have been avoided if he'd accepted God's mercy.

Until we come to terms with the devil, who lures us only to death and destruction, we have no future. Rather, we will find an endless desert that offers no hope over the horizon.

Before you follow the lure of your addiction, think it through. Imagine yourself on the streets, scrounging in garbage cans for your meals, begging coins for a fix or a bottle. Or picture yourself spending your remaining days chained to oxygen, unable to walk anymore, too heavy to fit behind the steering wheel. Envision the worst nightmare that could result from your addiction. Now ask yourself, is the momentary pleasure received by the thing you crave worth spending the rest of your days in misery?

When you climb to the top of the dune, what's on the other side? An endless parched desert, or the living water of hope?

When we rely on Jesus, we have the strength we need to get to the top, (Phil. 4:13) with the right direction, (John 14:6) where we will find refreshment (John 4:13-14) for our souls.

None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.

Don't seek the whore of addiction who leads you only to the desert of destruction. Seek instead the kingdom of God, where living water flows in abundance.

O Lord God, our hope is in You alone. You who created us knows what's best, the way that offers a life of peace and joy. Protect us from the one who would lure us away down that road to nowhere, resulting in permanent death. Renew in us a desire to seek Your kingdom and life everlasting. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 2:18

Proverbs 2:18 For her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead.

The number of times I've been faced with death are too numerous to recount. Four times were the direct result of following the spectre of death down her deadly path.

Hitchhiking all over the country with a big stick for protection, my friend, surrogate Mom and mentor once asked me, "what exactly are you gonna do with that big stick when somebody's pointing a gun at you or has you in a stranglehold?"

It was a good question, especially since I was utterly unprepared each time I faced the monster. It is literally only by the grace of God that I'm alive today to share a wee bit of wisdom. That bit of wisdom comes from experience, but more importantly, from God's word.

Had I been cruising on a righteous highway all those years instead of meandering down crooked, shadowy roads [any idiot can choose pleasure over safety and health,] I wouldn't have a story to share. My life might have been rather uneventful, peaceful, and fulfilling.

Rather, I chose to follow the wicked spectre of death to her door, and nearly pursued her right into the valley of darkness. My companions were all half-dead and knocking on the gates of hell.

Having escaped sexual assault, battery, overdose, blackouts, and my own thoughts of suicide, I now understand all of it could have been avoided had I only listened to Wisdom.

If you are in your waning years like me, be done with it. If you are young and think you're not done yet, be done with it. You have no idea what you'll miss out on if you continue to walk that path with those who walk in darkness. And chances are, you may not find the grace of God to save you as some of us did.

Why some of us have escaped while others have not, none can say. No one knows your story but God alone; He alone knows whether you will choose life or death, heaven or hell.

After all, it is our choice.

For her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. Don't go there.

O Lord, God of mercy and hope, You have given us everything we need and promised abundant blessings. Forgive us for our blunders, for having followed that wicked snake who walks on deadly roads. We're alive now in our abstinence, and we choose to serve You alone. We choose life. Guide us day by day with the brilliant light of our Savior. May His light shine through us for others, by the power of the Holy Spirit, drawing them away from the seductress of ill fate, and into Your glorious kingdom. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 2:17

Proverbs 2:17 ...who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God.

The adulteress is sin. It's all of us, the bride of Christ, when we turn away from our Lord in the flesh.

In reading the Old Testament, we see a slide show of Israel that repeats from one generation to the next. The sons and daughters of Abraham followed God, prospered, flourished and were blessed under the guidance of an anointed judge for a time. When the judge died, the people ignored God's laws, did their own thing, worshipped false gods and fell into utter chaos.

Is it any wonder we see the same parade of snapshots flashing on the news and in our papers here in America today? Once a nation of God-fearing men and women, we soon forgot that we came here fleeing religious dictatorship and became our own oppressors.

Those concerned for the future of our country today often cry out 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 in prayer: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

Key points here are: turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear. I have chosen this consecrated temple...

When we're hanging out in our unconfessed, unrepentant sin, He doesn't hear. Are you getting that? We are like the adultress who has left her husband.

He has chosen us, to be His temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit, a consecrated place. His eyes and heart are IN US. Do you get that?

Let me break it down again for you. Confess, repent, pray, be heard, be blessed!

Who is our authority? When our only authority is God, and we listen to what He says, and we look honestly at ourselves with willingness to change, we can maintain a strong defense against our tempter. It is only when we try to do things our own way, when we ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit and start down the crooked path that we find ourselves lost in the woods with a bottle, pipe or twinkies in hand. And when we sit alone in that isolated place, we think no one sees what we do.

My friends, His eyes are in our hearts! He's in here with us! He sees! You can't hide from God. Let it go. Turn to Him. Seek His face. He wants to bless you.

I promise, absolutely misery-back-guarantee you, if you will stop fighting rightseousness and do what the Holy Sprit prompts you, one by one united, we can send the tempter packing and turn this nation around. Safer streets, brighter minds, healthier bodies, and better economics for all. It all starts with listening to the heart of God.

Who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God?

Father Almighty, You are righteous and holy, above all others. We have fallen far! As a result, abstinent or not, we hang by a thread while Satan tickles our fancies with every glimmering tempatation. May we turn our eyes to Jesus, our perfect example of how to walk in Your ways, forgetting the desires of the flesh and seeking the will of our Lord. Be with us today as we recommit ourselves to abstinence and spiritual growth, with Your word as our guide. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs - 2:16

Proverbs 2:16 It [wisdom] will save you also from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words.

Who is the wayward wife with her seductive words?

Mid-way through 2007 I began to feel like I deserved more, that there was an abundant life for me if only I would go for it. Then I came across a book about becoming a millionaire. This author promised if you would lay out your goals, speak them into existence, and work your hiney off to that end, you would be successful.

I wrote my desires on my bathroom mirror and read them every day. In late 2008 my whole world had collapsed in on itself and I felt like God had abandoned me.

I had been seduced by the whore of greed. I had failed to be grateful for all God has provided and sought after more. When I finally fell to my knees in repentance, washed my mirror and covered it with God's promises from Scripture, and asked God's forgiveness, it was like scales fell from my eyes and suddenly everything became crystal clear.

This year has begun with a joy in my heart I hadn't known for many years. Where the seductress Greed might have taken me right to the bottom of a bottle of liquor, God lifted me up when I turned to Him.

Wisdom is not loud, she does not force herself on us. We must seek her diligently, listen carefully and go to her willingly. Her promise is freedom, security, mercy, joy and all the blessings of God. Her enemy promises only grief.

Father, we thank You wholeheartedly that You are always there to pull us up when we fall into that pit of seduction. Grant us the strength and wisdom to seek only Your wisdom and find Your peace. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:12-15

Prov 2:12-15 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.

One day I went up to the mountains to take some pictures. I went alone, as I usually do. Now I need to share with you that my body isn't what it used to be. before I injured my back, I was thin, agile and an avid hiker. Sometimes my head forgets I'm now 30 pounds heavier with a floppy foot, little strength and move at the pace of a snail.

On this particular day, I hiked awhile until I heard the sound of rushing water, exactly what I was looking for - a waterfall. A group of youth packing snowboards on their way up to the glacier gladly pointed the way for me, through the woods, up the mountain.

With my pack full of camera gear on my back and using my tripod as a walking stick, I trekked up a wooded hill through the forest toward the sound of the falls. Like the Energizer bunny I kept going and going and going, all the while becoming weaker and wearier. I must say, I think the Energizer bunny could go much further than I.

I went up as far as my legs could carry me (I'm guessing about a mile up a mountain slope.) The creek ran some thirty or forty feet below a pine-needle strewn rocky embankment. Now I needed to get into a position where I could photograph the cascade of water rushing down from the glacier further up the mountain. Ideally, this would be at water's edge, which I knew I couldn't get to. But little by little I made my way down the slippery tree lined embankment to find an angle, wedging myself between evergreens for support as I went. I fired off a few shots that were nothing to write home about. And then it was time to retreat.

As often happens, I'd come much further than I realized, amazed at the distance I'd covered inch by inch. And I was exhausted. Along with the physical labor involved in these little journeys, it's accompanied by mental fatigue from deep concentration and fear of the least little mistake that could lead to a disastrous fall. All of this is taking place over the course of a few hours. At one point on the climb back up, I hugged a sappy pine, cried, prayed, regrouped and and kept going.

As I reached the top of the embankment, my victory was dampened by the prospect of the distance I still had to hike down to my car, with my back pack that suddenly seemed much heavier than when I'd started.

Crooked paths can take many forms. When we walk with Jesus, Wisdom is our constant companion. Many times I've ignored her melodic voice, opting instead to listen to my own heart, which can be every bit as crooked as the thief in the night.

That day, as soon as my legs began to tremble a quarter of the way up, Wisdom whispered, "Anne, you should turn back." But I thought to myself, it can't be much further, I hear the water rushing.

As I started down the steep embankment Wisdom said, "you can't get close enough to get any good shots, you could fall and no one would hear you call for help. You have no cell phone reception from here. Don't go down there." But I thought, heck, I've come this far, I'm getting some photographs if it kills me.

As I adjusted my backpack for the trek back, Wisdom said, "Anne, you have enough rocks in your collection. Leave all those rocks you picked up along the way." I actually pulled a few out and considered tossing them, but they were so beautiful I just couldn't let them go.

I could hardly walk or do much of anything for a week after that little venture. In the same way Wisdom spoke to me throughout that day, she speaks to us all the time, telling us what God would have us do for our own good.

Our tormentors may be someone who wants to take us out for a drink, offers us drugs at a party, or tells us one piece of chocolate cake won't hurt. The abstinence we've worked hard to maintain is easily threatened.

Wisdom will guide us the right way if we listen. Satan works very hard at leading us down the crooked path. Wisdom works just as hard at steering us the right direction, to save us from ourselves. Who do I listen to?

Father guide us in paths of righteousness. Would we hear the voice of Wisdom by the power of the Holy Spirit. Would we pay attention, take the right road, and find true peace in following Your divine direction. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:11

Proverbs 2:11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.

Recently I've been truly blessed to connect with family members I've long known existed somewhere but had no clue how to contact.

Growing up with two alcoholic parents who split when I was very young, left a million questions that were never answered. We who have reconnected have each had some questions answered and understand that some things will always remain a mystery. I know the Bible doesn't mention seeing family members in heaven, but I sure hope I will. It's the little things I didn't ask or pay attention to when Mom was still alive that drive me crazy with curiosity - like when exactly did Granny Rose (depicted) meet and marry Grandfather Eugene?

But that's unimportant for our message today. The point I really want to make is about what a close-lipped person my mother was. She only answered what was asked and responses were mostly short and somewhat evasive.

"Mommy, why doesn't Daddy ever call or come see us?" I'd ask.

"Darling, your father was hurt in the war and never quite recovered. He was a good man but it's best for all of us that we not see him again."

Quite frankly, had I been the parent, big mouthed transparent ninny that I am, I'd have said, "Well darling, your father is a drunken sot who beat this family mercilessly, violated your sister, and I hope he rots in hell."

By the grace of God, my mother used discretion and understanding. I would not be the person I am today, nor would I be writing this devotion, if she had recklessly spoken ill of my father. I would probably still be a roaring drunk or dead.

The world is full of wicked, sinful people. We wouldn't have need of a Savior if it wasn't so. Our Savior taught many important principles. Most vital of them: forgiveness.

My mother's message always was, right up to the day she died, "look for the good in people. When bad things happen, cut your losses and move on."

Sometimes it's just best to keep our mouths shut. Think. Be discreet. Consider your words carefully before you speak. Once they escape our lips they can never be taken back.

Discretion will protect you (and others,) and understanding (we're all sinners) will guard you.

Heavenly Father, we are grateful that You've provided a Savior for we are all sinners and can never measure up to Your holiness, Your perfection. Forgive us for the words we've said that have caused others pain, shame and anger. Grant us the wisdom and understanding to make amends in those cases where necessary, and to use discretion and understanding in the future. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:10

Proverbs 2:10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

I don't remember much of my early days of sobriety back in 1990. It seems as though I was running on autopilot, flying in fog most of the time.

Like a sponge, as the alcohol evaporated, I began to soak up the wisdom of those who had worked the program and found peace in abstinence. I wanted what they had and couldn't get enough of it.

As the fog began to clear, and the wisdom started permeating my arid spongy brain, it was indeed pleasant to my soul.

The discovery process was amazing. One day, someone asked me if I'd like to go bowling. For the first time in my life, I stopped to think about that. I asked myself, "would I like to go bowling? Do I like bowling?" Interestingly, when I was drinking, I never gave much thought to what I wanted to do. I did whatever everyone else was doing. Suddenly in sobriety, a whole world of choices opened up and I had to do some evaluating. Grinning ear to ear, I happily told my friend, "no thanks, I don't think I like bowling!"

Now that the fog has cleared, have you figured out what you find pleasant in your soul? This might be good time to do some investigation. Just what do you like to do? What kind of music do you really like to listen to? Would you rather be with people, or be alone? Soak in a tub, or take a quick shower? Read a book, or go to the movies? See an adventure story, romance or comedy?
As you soak up wisdom from working the steps and following instruction, pay attention to who you're becoming, what you love in life, and follow your instincts. This is who God really created you to be. Take pleasure in that!
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
O Lord, we rejoice in Your creation, in who we are, just as You made us. May this discovery process bring much joy as we soak up Your wisdom and draw closer in our walk with you. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:9

Proverbs 2:9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.

(Then, referring to abiding in the wisdom of God.)

My parents divorced before I could understand the dynamics of marriage and human nature. My dad was a brutal alcoholic who failed to recover because, as one dear life-long family friend put it, "he refused to concede that a power greater than himself could restore him to sanity."

There is literally only one element that determines our ability to stay the course - the wisdom of God. In order to have it, one must believe He has it to give. To believe He has it to give, one must believe He is. If one doesn't believe, well, I think you're smart enough to figure that one out.

Are you one of those? Have you perhaps stumbled onto this blog looking for help and are now laughing, saying to yourself, "you stupid blind sheep, following a fairy-tale shepherd-God."

Okay, let's pretend for a minute you're right. You've realized you're powerless over your addiction, whatever it is, and you want to stop but can't seem to do it on your own. Who, my friend, will you rely on? You can't rely on yourself, you've already proven that. Your friends can't help you - they've all either turned their backs on you in disgust or encouraged you to keep doing what you're doing that's destroying your life. Your parents can't help - maybe they're the reason you're in this mess in the first place. You've destroyed all your relationships, burned all your bridges and now you're out there on your own, laughing at us who trust in a divine Creator.

It's not easy to concede there's a God when you've always been self-reliant. Has your way worked? Are you losing everything because of your addiction? Has it brought you embarrassment and shame?

Let me give you a challenge. Do you believe in air? You can't see it, touch it, pick up in your hand. How do you know it's really there? Do you believe in gravity? Can't see that. Can't pick that up and snuggle it. Don't even have to tie your feet to it. But it keeps your feet firmly planted on the ground.

In the same way, we don't see God. Can't touch or smell or taste Him. But we know He's there because he provides all the intelligence of the universe. He provides the very awareness that you're you. How do I know this? The same way you know your lungs fill with air every time you suck in a breath.

Have you ever been about to do something you shouldn't and heard a little voice in your head say, "probably not a good idea." That's God. You went to McDonald's and ordered that fat-filled nutrient-free Big Mac and a little voice said, "coulda had a V-8." That's God. You got into your car and drove when you were drunk despite the voice that told you, "take a cab." That was God. You smacked your kid when he was crying, demanding he shut up, and the little voice said, "he's just a boy who needs love you do." That's God.

You can deny God until you're blue in the face. Lucky for you, He'll never do that to you. He'll wait as long as it takes and longer. The fact is, if you really want help for your addiction, you'll need to let go of belief in yourself and concede that a power greater than yourself can restore you to sanity.

Then all you have to do is ask.

And wait for the miracle to happen.

It will blow you mind.

Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. It will all make sense.

O Lord, for the one today who still tries to lean on his own understanding, I pray Your infinite wisdom will permeate the hardened heart and seep into the frozen soul. Would You pour it out like a warm and soothing shower that cleanses body, mind and spirit. Draw him or her to Yourself, wrapped in Your loving mercy, filled with hope and free to grow in Your goodness. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

If you haven't found a relationship with Jesus Christ and want to know what that's all about, please write to me. He's just waiting patiently for you to call on His name to bring forgiveness and healing to your soul. Just click the Email link at the bottom of the blog and share your story with me.

Journey Through the Proverbs - 2:8

Proverbs 2:8 For HE guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.

Of late, tracing my family history and revisiting early memories have taken me often down paths I'd long forgotten and buried. Although there were moments of peace or joy in my childhood, for the most part, it was full of chaos, fear, dread, sadness and longing for love and security.

My first encounter with Jesus was one of those brief moments of goodness when I was five. If I charted the spiritual route from physical birth to when I was reborn in Christ, I can pinpoint each encounter with my Savior clearly, each nuance of His presence in my life, the number of times He physically saved me from death or serious harm.

There have been times after sobriety and in my walk of faith that I've been angry at circumstances and screamed at God, "why did I have to live this life?! Why couldn't I grow up in a normal healthy family?!" The Holy Spirit has always given me the same answer, "it's all part of the plan for your life to be used for the purposes of God for His glory."

I may not want to be on this particular path, but it's mine. It's the one chosen for me by my omniscient Father in heaven who certainly knows what's best. Sometimes I stand in the shadows, moving only by the prodding of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I stand in the shafts of warm sunlight, basking in soothing rays of comfort. Always, I know God is with me, Guard and and Protector of the faithful.

O Lord my God! May we always be faithful, may we always turn to You in every difficulty and praise Your holy name, understanding that all we go through is ultimately for our own good and Your glory. May we never forget the many times you have saved us from the pit of despair, the hands of death, and the fear of loss. That we may remain abstinent from those things that ensnare us with addiction, strengthen our faith, bolster our resolve, shine a light in our hearts to bring hope for a better tomorrow. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through the Proverbs - 2:7

Proverbs 2:7 He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.

In the months before I got sober, I was living with a man in Phoenix, whom at one point I thought I would marry. He tried to control my drinking by allowing me no more than two beers each evening.

I had reached a low point in my life after my father died and nothing made sense to me. In searching for answers I met with a priest and told him I wanted to get right with God. He heard my confession and then said something like, "I cannot absolve you of your sins for I don't believe you're ready to give up your lifestyle and your confession is meaningless."

I left his office feeling rejected with a hole in my heart as big as the universe. Soon I moved out of my boyfriend's house, but not to prove the priest wrong because what he said was true. I needed the freedom to drink what I wanted, when I wanted. Yet in the stillness of the nights I had begun to pray that God would help me do what was right.

A few months later, without a conscious thought about changing jobs, I found myself looking at the want ads for some reason. I answered a post for a position in San Diego. By Providence, like a child thrown into the currents of a great river, over the next several years I was carried through circumstances and events that utterly changed my life and brought me to where I am today: a solid Christian; an instrument of God; conforming to His will as best I can.

For my husband's 45th birthday, I gave him a whitewater rafting trip he'd always wanted, bearing along Clear Creek through a glorious canyon. Before we put the raft in the water, our guide gave us careful instruction and made sure everyone understood what we were supposed to do to survive the trip. There were some tricky and dangerous rapids and huge rocks to navigate around. Our ears were completely attuned to hearing our guide. With direction from our fearless leader behind us calling out commands, we made it safely to our destination without capsizing or losing anyone. Our victory was exhilarating.

Our Father in heaven knows when we earnestly seek Him to live for His purposes, not ours. He provides the raft, the oars, and the strength. We have to do the work but our Guide is always behind us, calling out instructions. If we're to survive the course and experience the joy, we must be tuned into Him.

As a result of letting go of my plans and desires and seeking God's will for me, He is steadily carrying me along this stream of life cradled in the protection of His love. He shields me from dangerous rocks that loom in my path, undercurrents that try to suck me under and every kind of stormy weather. Some days the current is smooth and restful. Most days I'm just hanging on praying for strength to stay the course. But every victory is exhilarating!

If you're ready for the ride of your life, Your Father has prepared a raft for you. He will carry you through all the turmoil of life by the safest, most beautiful route. He provides what you need and the Holy Spirit will guide you with wisdom. Push off, it's exhilarating!

He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.

O Lord, this is a rough and dangerous ride, yet beautiful and invigorating. May we stop fighting the current, sit upright, listen to Your instruction, be shielded from danger, and be blessed on this journey. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:6

Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

I have committed to the Lord, to myself and to you that I will share my quiet time journal every day for the glory of God. I do love to write and it comes naturally to me. I actually think better when I can see my thoughts on paper, or the computer screen, whichever the case may be. But that doesn't mean it's easy.

It takes discipline to do this the first thing every single day. I write three blogs, each with a different Scriptural focus. I derive great joy and satisfaction from doing so, but it comes with a great degree of accountability and responsibility.

As I sit here and ponder the words of Solomon this morning, reading them out loud, slowly, many times, I'm asking the Holy Spirit what He wants to teach me that I can share.

For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. In truth, from God's mouth comes EVERYTHING. He spoke, it became. Scripture is the inspiration of God Himself, given to those who diligently put pen to papyrus thousands of years ago. What they did then was not so different than what I do daily. They wanted to be sure God's word was shared and used to further His kingdom for His glory.

In this instance, we look at how the Scripture helps us abstain from our addictions. To many of those in twelve step programs who don't know Jesus or the Bible, the Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, fondly referred to as "the big book," is all the inspiration they need. In fact Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob were both Christian men who returned to the faith of their youth when they sobered up. The wisdom of the twelve steps is taken directly from the Bible. Whether non-Christian people in recovery want to acknowledge it or not, Jesus is affecting them to remain abstinent.

In the first three steps of AA we admit we're powerless over our addictions, acknowledge that only a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity, and make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God (as we understand Him.)

In becoming a Christian, we admit we're sinners, acknowledge that Jesus is the Savior, and make a decision to follow Him and do the will of God. (Acts 16:31, Romans 3:22, Romans 10:10)

In Steps Four through nine, we consider all we've done, confess our sins and do all that we can to make amends for our damaging behavior.

As a Christian we continually seek the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin and confess often, promptly correct our wrongdoing, and seek God's will for our lives, praying for change in our hearts and willingness to overcome adversity. (1 John 1:9, 1 Peter 3:11)

In the last three Steps of the program, we continually watch for problems, adjusting where necessary. We seek God through daily prayer and meditation to grow along spiritual lines, and having overcome our addictions, we reach out to others however possible.

As we begin to grow in Christian faith, we pray, meditate on and memorize Scripture. Finally, we are convicted to share the gospel, the good news of the saving grace of Jesus, with others. (Acts. 20:24, Mark 16:15)

The parallels are unmistakable. The wisdom of our recovery program comes straight from the Bible. If we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, inerrant in the original text and rightly translated for modern understanding, we comprehend that Scripture is direct communication from our Lord Himself. And From His mouth comes wisdom.

Father, You are truly amazing. You who created the entire universe, a monumental task we cannot even get our words around let alone our minds and hearts, have given us Your very words to live by. Your wisdom is like sweet music in our ears, purified blood coursing through our veins, sweetest honey on our lips. It is the very bread of life itself. May we meditate on these encouraging thoughts today as we follow our Savior up this holy mountain to meet with You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 2:1-5

Prov 2:1-5
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, 2 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, 3 and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, 4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

If You:
  • Accept and store the Word of God in your heart
  • Listen to wisdom and apply it to living your life
  • Seek godly insight and understanding with zealousness like searching for treasure

Then you will comprehend the magnitude of God's grace and grow in spirit according to His ways.

As I began memorizing Scripture some years ago, it felt a little like high school when I memorized dates and facts, names and information, numbers and formulas. "What's the point?" I'd often say. "Why do I need to know all this stuff?"

From the moment I became a Christian I hungered to know all I could know about God, about Jesus, the relationship of the trinity, and how it all worked in my life. It didn't thrill me to memorize Scripture but I did it because my mentors told me to, never questioning how, when or even if I would ever use it in my life.

Then I hurt my back. The first time I recalled any of that memorized Scripture was laying in an MRI tube for what seemed like hours (it was probably all of 15 minutes) in terror with searing pain shooting down my legs. As tears ran down the sides of my face, I began to pray the 23rd Psalm, over and over. Then suddenly the machine clunked for the last time and I was gliding out into the bright room again. I had remained motionless as instructed and survived the grueling scans.

The next time I recalled Scripture was after a ten hour back surgery when I awoke in agony, unable to move my right ankle and left thigh. At first I could think of nothing but spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Again I found myself in the grip of fear. Out of my darkness, I heard a soft voice inside my head utter familiar phrases, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Be still and know that I am God. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your good, to give you hope and a future. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. He will never leave nor forsake you."

There have been many other times when the word of God flooded my mind and heart when in pain or fearful, or praying and encouraging someone else.

The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. The next step is to get to know His word, store it in our hearts and live according to His precepts. Not only does God's word guide us in paths of righteousness, Scripture comforts, strengthens and encourages us.

As we live our lives steeped in God's word, we begin to truly worship Him in awe because now we see how magnificent He really is, what power He has, how deep is His love, and how infinite His mercy.

Holy Father, we stand in awe of how perfect Your plans, Your attention to every detail. How foolish we've been to try to function without You, to think we could know what we're doing without the playbook. Thank You for showing us the way, for forgiving us our blunders and for steering us back onto the path when we fall short. May we delve deep into Your Word, store it in our hearts and minds, and call it into play in the hour of need. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 1:33

Proverbs 1:33 But all who listen to me will live in peace and safety, unafraid of harm.

When I was a child, I had no real friends until I met Drew (not her real name.) She was always joking around and everyone loved her. Being with Drew brought me out of my lonely world and changed me completely. I learned to laugh and have fun, and even began to make friends of my own. Being with Drew opened up my world. She was also the one who introduced me to drugs and alcohol.

Drew was raised by good Christian parents. She had everything, to all outward appearances. But inside, she was an empty shell of a human being. When others weren't around she was miserable. I came across some photos of Drew the other day, and in each one she had the same expression on her face that could only be described as broken. There was a consuming sadness in her eyes. No one would ever guess by looking at those photographs that she was a natural comedienne who made everyone else laugh.

Why was Drew so disturbed? Like many of us, the emptiness she'd tried to fill with drugs, alcohol and men, was a God sized void. She needed the Lord.

Drew has been married to a very abusive man for some twenty years now. I connected with her a couple years ago and although her home life didn't look any different than her haunted photos, her heart did. There was a light in her eyes I hadn't seen since childhood. She told me she'd accepted Christ as her Savior and was attending a Christian church across the street from her home.

Life is different when we follow God..."all who listen to me will live in peace and safety, unafraid of harm."

I'm no longer afraid to die and I'm not afraid of evil people. I've often wondered, when I've found myself in a threatening situation, what would I say and do if I was car-jacked, mugged or raped. Many times I've run the scenarios in my head and the conversation is always about the saving grace of Jesus. Although I don't wish it, I'm not afraid of anyone who would do me harm. Ultimately, it would be an opportunity to share the gospel. If I'm killed I'll die in peace, and in the end, I'll be home with my Savior. Some say that's confidence. I say it's Godfidence.

Father, You've promised that all who listen to You will live in peace and safety, unafraid of harm. What a blessed assurance for us living in this dark and unstable world. Thank You that You're always with us, that no matter what happens, You win and we win. May Your word light our way today. We love You and praise You in the name of Jesus, amen.

Walking Through the Proverbs 1:20-27

Proverbs 1:20-27
20 Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. 21 She calls out to the crowds along the main street, and to those in front of city hall. 22 "You simpletons!" she cries. "How long will you go on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools fight the facts? 23 Come here and listen to me! I'll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise. 24 "I called you so often, but you didn't come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. 25 You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered. 26 So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you — 27 when calamity overcomes you like a storm, when you are engulfed by trouble, and when anguish and distress overwhelm you. NLT

My son is still living in his addiction and is not yet ready to admit it rules him. He is the very description of the one who turns away from wisdom. When things fall apart, he always finds someone else to blame. He refuses to admit the problem is wearing his clothes.

We have all been there, perhaps are even still fighting her. She can be brutal. Our nature is to rebel. "No, not me, I can do this on my own!" we cry, shunning the hand that reaches out to us.

Today is a new day, rather than say "neigh!" like the wild horse in fear, let's say yes to better judgment, the voice of one who's cleared the hard road before us, who understands the joy of abiding in wisdom.

We choose - wisdom and peace, or following our own desires and ultimate folly.

Lord we bow down to You, humbly letting go of our pride, submitting to Your will. Wisdom comes with fear of the Lord. We stand in awe before Your majesty. Rain down Your wisdom to our minds, give us ears to hear and the will to move according to Your purposes. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 1:11-19

If they say, "Come along with us; let's lie in wait for someone's blood, let's waylay some harmless soul; 12 let's swallow them alive, like the grave, and whole, like those who go down to the pit; 13 we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder; 14 throw in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse"- 15 my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; 16 for their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed blood. 17 How useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds! 18 These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves! 19 Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it. ~ Proverbs 1:11-19

Like the hungry coyote, the enemy just waits for the one who is caught unaware, sitting idly and comfortably at the river's edge without a care.

Remember the story of the fox and the hen? She needed to get to the other side of the river. The fox said, come, I will take you across the river on my back. The hen nervously refused. But the sly fox kept at her, "surely I will not harm you, trust me." Again and again the hen backed away but at last her desire to get to the other side wore her defenses down and she climbed upon the trusted fox. As he swam to the other side, he suddenly turned and snatched her into his mouth.

Satan is beguiling, as we saw in the Garden of Eden, when he convinced Eve to indulge in the forbidden fruit. The enemy often comes masked as a charming friend or willing helper.

We have all fallen prey to such fools. Maybe it was a friend who convinced us we could have one drink or a parent who scoffs at us for trying to abstain from sweets. Consider those times and how you handled them. What might you have done differently to avoid falling into temptation? Wisdom learns from its mistakes.

These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves!

In the end, we all pay for our actions. Whether we are led astray or lead others down the wrong path. Prudence considers ones options carefully.

Father protect us from our own ignorance. Holy Spirit alert us to the ways of the enemy. Jesus thank You for Your word and promises - all we need is in Scripture! Trusting in the name of Jesus alone, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 1:10

Prov 1:10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent. NKJV
What entices us? Where do we get in trouble?

Parties. There is every kind of fat and sugar riddled snacks. There is often alcohol and if not, sugary beverages. Everyone else is enjoying these things, why can't I?

Commercials. We're watching our favorite show or sports and ads for beer, rich junk food, sexual enhancement products, joy-promising medications all seem to call our name tell us it's okay to indulge ourselves. After all, we deserve it don't we?

Friends. These can be the worst. It's no fun to drink alone. Misery loves company even if misery doesn't realize it's miserable. They tell us we can have one drink, on toke, one pill, one Twinkie...

What can we do to protect ourselves from this barrage of enticements? Solomon says simply, "do not consent." Easier said than done, O wise king.

What can I do to keep from consenting?

Pray: procrastinate, read, alter, yearn.

This is one time when Procrastination is a positive thing. Often times, just waiting out the craving is enough to thwart the devil's attempts to draw you into the trap. Do something else. Like pray.

Read something from the Big Book or the Bible until the craving passes.

Alter your habits. If you used to always go get a beer when a commercial came on television, opt instead to read your email, make yourself some tea, or call your sponsor.

Yearn for abstinence more than you desired your crutch. Let your recovery be your crutch. Use the tools you been given to help you on this journey.

Get on the phone and call a sponsor. Take your leave as quickly as possible and get to a meeting. Tell your friend "if you really love me, enjoy a day of sobriety with me." Invite them to a meeting with you. Get new friends. Write in your journal. If you can't avoid all the temptations at a party, don't go to the party. If you can't resist temptation when you watch commercials, get up and go do something the minute they come on. Or better yet, turn the television off and read a good book, go for a walk or meet a friend for coffee. There is an unlimited list of ways you can help yourself through the rough patches.

Whatever you do, don't consent.

Lord, thank You for this simple yet profound wisdom to help us deal with temptations. We know with the Strength of Christ, we can win every battle. We rely on You to see us through. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 1:8-9

Prov 1:8-9 Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. 9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

Did you follow your parents' advice? Did you conform to society's rules? Did you listen to sage advice from grandparents, aunts, uncles or other significant elders in your life? Were you a compliant child?

Chances are, if you're anything like me, the answer to all of those questions is a resounding "no."

One of the reasons we're traveling this road together is that either we had little or no wise instruction from elders or we chose to plug our ears when the told us what to do.

The saving grace for me was desire. Although I was a rebel, deep down inside I always had a yearning for spiritual knowledge which ultimately drove me to seek help when addiction nailed me to the wall.

So what about now - do you still rebel against authority? Change is never easy. Although I was pretty beat up and willing to go to any lengths to get better, many times I heard myself thinking, "this I will not do." In the end, I could have saved myself a whole lot of grief because my way just didn't work. I may have stayed clean and sober, but there were plenty of white-knuckle moments due my pride telling me I could handle it, I was different.

Save yourself the trouble. You are not different. Say it with me, "I am not different. I can't do this on my own."

When my sponsor told me "no relationships" in the first year of sobriety, that included dating idiots. I didn't listen. I dated a number of mentally unstable men, telling myself they were safe because they were also on the road to recovery. This foolishness compromised my safety and sobriety. Before I'd been sober a year I was engaged to a psychopath. I praise God I didn't marry him after all.

Listen to your sponsor. If you have healthy, "normal" parents, listen to them. If you have a sibling or other relative who has it all together, watch them, talk to them, learn from them. Don't be afraid to learn from someone younger than you. I have a sister who's twelve years older than I that I prayed for and talked to for many years about recovery. She nearly died from alcohol poisoning before finally getting sober three years ago. Your bottom doesn't have to be that deep.

Seek wise counsel. Go to meetings. Journal your recovery. Praise God and pray. Live long and enjoy the journey.

Dear Lord, thank You for Solomon's wisdom. Forgive us for doing things our own way and finding ourselves in the messes we get into. Grant us the wisdom to accept the wisdom of others. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Journey Through Proverbs 1

What's wrong with this picture?

We are about to embark on a voyage that may well take the rest of our lives.

As I pondered how to continue with this recovery devotional journal, I thought about going through the Psalms. But I'm doing that with my FaithWalkDaily devotion so I wanted to do something different. It occurs to me that from the Bible the best advice for those recovering from addiction is found in the book of Proverbs.

A little background for those who don't know. Proverbs were written by Solomon, son of David (great, great, great...granddaddy of Jesus.) God offered Solomon anything his heart desired. Solomon asked only for wisdom. For his humble request the Lord not only blessed him with more wisdom than anyone of his day, he also bestowed him with abundant wealth. Solomon was a very rich smart guy. We are wise to read what he had to say, as applicable today as it was when Solomon ruled Israel.

The first lesson we might learn from King Solomon's decision is God blesses the humble.

Proverbs 1:1-7
1 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
2 for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; 3 for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; 4 for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young —5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance —6 for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. 7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

He wrote the book to pass on his wisdom to others. Believe me, writing takes time and effort, even if one loves to write as I do. Imagine the setting, back in the day, before computers, typewriters, even before ballpoint pens and college ruled spiral notebooks. He was writing on parchment with a quill pen dipped in ink. If he wrote at all. He may well have had a scribe who did all the work while the King spoke. Either way, this was no small task. There are, in all, thirty-one chapters in this book, some quite lengthy. We will only chew on a few verses at a time.

The goal in writing this book was for the sake of the reader to acquire a disciplined life, mindful of others, in manner, attitude and actions. Solomon ends the first chapter with his first morsel of wisdom: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

One of the greatest if not the greatest tools of recovery is the wisdom of those who have gone before. I may be clean and sober 18 years but there is always someone who has walked this path longer than I, who has more to offer. We are always one bite, one sip, one snort, or one image away from falling back into the pit of our addictions.

So first, to fear the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. We must first believe God exists and realize the magnitude of His greatness (He created everything, including us, what more can be said?) What does that say about the man who does not believe God? He believes himself. He despises wisdom and discipline. He'd rather do it his own way.

You and I already know how far going our own way can take us. For me, it was right to the edge of hell. One more step into alcoholism and I would have fallen into a bottomless chasm from which there was not return.

When I called a friend from my youth who had been something of a surrogate mother to me, the beginning of wisdom was following direction when she said, "call AA." It was through AA that I came to believe in a power greater than myself and ultimately came to faith in Jesus Christ.

I'm going to expose the raw truth about me. Wisdom told me 25 years ago not to leave my three young sons to move to another state. I shunned wisdom. I despised discipline. I did it my way. As a result I lost custody and sank to the lowest depths of the bottle. It has taken me many, many years to rebuild relationships with those young men, the same you see pictured above. It's not all good now. It gets better every day, month by month, year by year. But they too now fight the beast. What's wrong with the picture? They're all hungover.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. He is a merciful and loving God who guides me in recovery to stay clean, sober and abstinent, one day at a time by the power of the Holy Spirit. He gives me wisdom to study His word and live a disciplined life. He guides me in paths of righteousness and is helps me rebuild torn relationships and heal broken hearts.

Fools despise wisdom and discipline. I praise God that I am no longer a fool, but cherish the wisdom of those who share their experience, strength and hope with me. I welcome discipline, even when it hurts. Being refined is a painful process but the final result is a sparkling gem in the crown of my Lord and Savior.

Father we come to You today hungry for Your wisdom, with desire to grow in knowledge and faith, willing to accept the refiner's fire to be tempered for Your purposes. We praise and thank You for the marvelous ways You are working in each of our lives. In Jesus' name, amen.