The adulteress is sin. It's all of us, the bride of Christ, when we turn away from our Lord in the flesh.
In reading the Old Testament, we see a slide show of Israel that repeats from one generation to the next. The sons and daughters of Abraham followed God, prospered, flourished and were blessed under the guidance of an anointed judge for a time. When the judge died, the people ignored God's laws, did their own thing, worshipped false gods and fell into utter chaos.
Is it any wonder we see the same parade of snapshots flashing on the news and in our papers here in America today? Once a nation of God-fearing men and women, we soon forgot that we came here fleeing religious dictatorship and became our own oppressors.
Those concerned for the future of our country today often cry out 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 in prayer: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.
Key points here are: turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear. I have chosen this consecrated temple...
When we're hanging out in our unconfessed, unrepentant sin, He doesn't hear. Are you getting that? We are like the adultress who has left her husband.
He has chosen us, to be His temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit, a consecrated place. His eyes and heart are IN US. Do you get that?
Let me break it down again for you. Confess, repent, pray, be heard, be blessed!
Who is our authority? When our only authority is God, and we listen to what He says, and we look honestly at ourselves with willingness to change, we can maintain a strong defense against our tempter. It is only when we try to do things our own way, when we ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit and start down the crooked path that we find ourselves lost in the woods with a bottle, pipe or twinkies in hand. And when we sit alone in that isolated place, we think no one sees what we do.
My friends, His eyes are in our hearts! He's in here with us! He sees! You can't hide from God. Let it go. Turn to Him. Seek His face. He wants to bless you.
I promise, absolutely misery-back-guarantee you, if you will stop fighting rightseousness and do what the Holy Sprit prompts you, one by one united, we can send the tempter packing and turn this nation around. Safer streets, brighter minds, healthier bodies, and better economics for all. It all starts with listening to the heart of God.
Who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God?
Father Almighty, You are righteous and holy, above all others. We have fallen far! As a result, abstinent or not, we hang by a thread while Satan tickles our fancies with every glimmering tempatation. May we turn our eyes to Jesus, our perfect example of how to walk in Your ways, forgetting the desires of the flesh and seeking the will of our Lord. Be with us today as we recommit ourselves to abstinence and spiritual growth, with Your word as our guide. In Jesus' name, amen.