Who is the wayward wife with her seductive words?
Mid-way through 2007 I began to feel like I deserved more, that there was an abundant life for me if only I would go for it. Then I came across a book about becoming a millionaire. This author promised if you would lay out your goals, speak them into existence, and work your hiney off to that end, you would be successful.
I wrote my desires on my bathroom mirror and read them every day. In late 2008 my whole world had collapsed in on itself and I felt like God had abandoned me.
I had been seduced by the whore of greed. I had failed to be grateful for all God has provided and sought after more. When I finally fell to my knees in repentance, washed my mirror and covered it with God's promises from Scripture, and asked God's forgiveness, it was like scales fell from my eyes and suddenly everything became crystal clear.
This year has begun with a joy in my heart I hadn't known for many years. Where the seductress Greed might have taken me right to the bottom of a bottle of liquor, God lifted me up when I turned to Him.
Wisdom is not loud, she does not force herself on us. We must seek her diligently, listen carefully and go to her willingly. Her promise is freedom, security, mercy, joy and all the blessings of God. Her enemy promises only grief.
Father, we thank You wholeheartedly that You are always there to pull us up when we fall into that pit of seduction. Grant us the strength and wisdom to seek only Your wisdom and find Your peace. In Jesus' name, amen.