Proverbs 2:11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
Recently I've been truly blessed to connect with family members I've long known existed somewhere but had no clue how to contact.
Growing up with two alcoholic parents who split when I was very young, left a million questions that were never answered. We who have reconnected have each had some questions answered and understand that some things will always remain a mystery. I know the Bible doesn't mention seeing family members in heaven, but I sure hope I will. It's the little things I didn't ask or pay attention to when Mom was still alive that drive me crazy with curiosity - like when exactly did Granny Rose (depicted) meet and marry Grandfather Eugene?
But that's unimportant for our message today. The point I really want to make is about what a close-lipped person my mother was. She only answered what was asked and responses were mostly short and somewhat evasive.
"Mommy, why doesn't Daddy ever call or come see us?" I'd ask.
"Darling, your father was hurt in the war and never quite recovered. He was a good man but it's best for all of us that we not see him again."
Quite frankly, had I been the parent, big mouthed transparent ninny that I am, I'd have said, "Well darling, your father is a drunken sot who beat this family mercilessly, violated your sister, and I hope he rots in hell."
By the grace of God, my mother used discretion and understanding. I would not be the person I am today, nor would I be writing this devotion, if she had recklessly spoken ill of my father. I would probably still be a roaring drunk or dead.
The world is full of wicked, sinful people. We wouldn't have need of a Savior if it wasn't so. Our Savior taught many important principles. Most vital of them: forgiveness.
My mother's message always was, right up to the day she died, "look for the good in people. When bad things happen, cut your losses and move on."
Sometimes it's just best to keep our mouths shut. Think. Be discreet. Consider your words carefully before you speak. Once they escape our lips they can never be taken back.
Discretion will protect you (and others,) and understanding (we're all sinners) will guard you.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful that You've provided a Savior for we are all sinners and can never measure up to Your holiness, Your perfection. Forgive us for the words we've said that have caused others pain, shame and anger. Grant us the wisdom and understanding to make amends in those cases where necessary, and to use discretion and understanding in the future. In Jesus' name, amen.