Proverbs 2:20 So you may walk in the way of goodness, and keep to the paths of righteousness.
Let's go back to what Solomon was talking about here, from the beginning. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Then he goes on to discuss how easily sin draws us into the snare of doom. He's now saying, understand these things in order that you might walk instead in the way of goodness, paying attention to wisdom, surround yourself with good people who walk in godly ways.
The company we keep is so very important to recovery and stability. As the metaphor goes, one bad apple will turn the whole bunch rotten. Put a perfectly good slice of bread in with a moldy one and the next day the good slice will also be moldy. If you accidentally drop your paper in a mud puddle, you wouldn't put your clean sheets against the one that's been muddied...
We become infected by that which is tainted.
I still struggle to this day with a chameleon personality. If I'm in a roomful of comedians, there's no end to my humor. When in a crowd of intellects, I find myself using words the meanings of half of which I'm not altogether certain about. Put me at a party with small children and I revert to ten year old behavior. Being around people who use foul language will prompt off-color words to spill from my own lips, much to my dismay.
Having recognized this as a result of sobriety and spiritual growth, where I spend my time is very important to me. I choose to be with solid Christians who are serious about understanding Scripture, growing in faith and ministering to the needs of others.
What I do with my time at home is equally important: the Internet, books, movies, and television all have an affect on my way of life and attitude.
Take inventory of your lifestyle today. Where are you spending your time, with whom, and what do you do when you're alone?
So you may walk in the way of goodness, and keep to the paths of righteousness.
Praise God for the wisdom of Solomon and keep in mind, we don't have to repeat the mistakes of others to learn this wisdom. Let's just listen to the Holy Spirit. He knows where we should go, who we should spend our time with and what we should be doing.
Lord God, we praise Your wisdom and all Your ways. Grant us the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide us when we stray, clear the path ahead and remind us to stick with others who have walked this road before. May we seek the kingdom of God with all due diligence for Your glory and our joy. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.