Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
The popular television program Lost has a lot of people speculating about what's really going on in the show. If you're not a viewer, let me give you a brief summary of the plot.
Flight 815 en route from Australia to the US crashes in the ocean near an island. A number of passengers survive, and fantastic things happen to them on this island. There are also bizarre occurrences within the island itself. The plot deals with how the people are affected by these events and how they respond.
As my husband and I have been reading through Judges in our morning study time together, we're seeing some things anew through God-filtered eyes.
Lost is a commentary on mankind. We look for someone to follow. Some follow paraplegic John Locke who was miraculously healed after the crash and is now strong as an ox. Some Follow Jack Shephard, a doctor. Interesting names the writers assigned these men.
Jack is supposedly the "good guy" but his life is a complete mess. Son of an alcoholic surgeon, he too is alcoholic and a drug addict. He's in love with Kate, wanted for murder of her alcoholic abusive father. She's also in love with Sawyer, (his name an alias) the James Dean bad boy of Flight 815.
John is a twisted emotionally disturbed character who is often right despite his loony behavior.
Both men want to lead but need guidance. Locke looks for guidance from "the island" while Jack goes by his instincts and has constant need to fix things.
Woven into the plot. as if it weren't nutty enough, is a deplorable character Ben, who is the most twisted of all. Yet they often trust him for answers even though he's a liar and murderer, because they feel they have no choice. In doing so, it appears they are putting their trust in the devil himself.
Every one of the characters in the program, are spiritually lost, condemned by their own human skin and foolish decisions.
The world is looking for answers in men - bosses, bankers and presidents - and ultimately they will let us down every time. The Israelites who were beloved by God, just as the members of Lost, were caught up in seeking answers from human leaders. Again and again they floundered, were beaten by their enemies, wounded, hungry, thirsty, wandering in deserts and dying.
Following men gets us into places we don't want to be, doing things we shouldn't be doing, leading us to our demise.
Who is Johh, Jack, or Ben in your life? Who do you look to for answers?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Only He can truly be trusted. Only He knows the way to go.
Heavenly Father, lead us from the island of temptation, remind us to turn to You, the infallible, in times of trouble, not fallible men. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.