Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
There are consequences for our actions - and with good reason. If you've ever watched the show Heroes, you know that it's hard for Claire not to think of herself as invincible. We need our wounds to remind us of our mortality.
I believe the consequences of our actions are a built-in safety net provided by God to protect us from our own foolishness - physically, emotionally and spiritually.
It would have been wonderful when I got sober, if everything in my life would have miraculously all fallen into order without any effort on my part. Or would it? What would I have learned? What would keep me from going right back to the old patterns of behavior that took me to the brink of death?
It has taken me many years to recover completely from some of the terrible mistakes I made during my years of alcohol and drug abuse. Some I haven't been able to recover from yet and still other problems will never be healed. But every single painful episode has taught me an invaluable lesson about God's mercy and love and the hope He offers me for the future.
When you hear yourself crying out, "why God? Why me? Why now? Why must I go through this?" Listen carefully for His answer. He will reveal it and you will find comfort and peace in His sovereign ways, no matter how difficult it might be. His discipline is for the son or daughter He loves.
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
Rejoice in every challenge which is the discipline of a loving Father.
Dear Lord, how precious is Your love, how marvelous Your ways. We submit to Your plan and accept the sting of Your discipline, knowing it is for our own good. Grant us peace, dignity and hope in the lessons You teach. In Jesus' name, amen.