Proverbs 2:19 None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.
My father went to AA for a few years with my mother in the 1950's. Mom remained sober for the rest of her 85 years and found peace. My dad died at 72, a pathetic, lonely man in denial. Although the diagnosis was stroke, I believe he died of a broken heart which could have been avoided if he'd accepted God's mercy.
Until we come to terms with the devil, who lures us only to death and destruction, we have no future. Rather, we will find an endless desert that offers no hope over the horizon.
Before you follow the lure of your addiction, think it through. Imagine yourself on the streets, scrounging in garbage cans for your meals, begging coins for a fix or a bottle. Or picture yourself spending your remaining days chained to oxygen, unable to walk anymore, too heavy to fit behind the steering wheel. Envision the worst nightmare that could result from your addiction. Now ask yourself, is the momentary pleasure received by the thing you crave worth spending the rest of your days in misery?
When you climb to the top of the dune, what's on the other side? An endless parched desert, or the living water of hope?
When we rely on Jesus, we have the strength we need to get to the top, (Phil. 4:13) with the right direction, (John 14:6) where we will find refreshment (John 4:13-14) for our souls.
None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.
Don't seek the whore of addiction who leads you only to the desert of destruction. Seek instead the kingdom of God, where living water flows in abundance.
O Lord God, our hope is in You alone. You who created us knows what's best, the way that offers a life of peace and joy. Protect us from the one who would lure us away down that road to nowhere, resulting in permanent death. Renew in us a desire to seek Your kingdom and life everlasting. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.