Journey Through Proverbs - 3:10
Proverbs 3:10 Then your barns will be filled to overflowing,and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Everything in life is based on cause and effect. You do this and such and such happens.
The pessimist may wonder why bad things always happen to them. I believe if we honestly look at our life's circumstances, we will clearly see that we ourselves have been the cause of every effect in our adult life.
But what about early childhood? Anything that happened to us in our youth is the result of the actions of our parents or whatever family raised us. Therefore, they do have an effect on our lives. But there comes a point at which we must face the hand we've been dealt and determine how were going to play it.
Two women were raised by the same screwed up alcoholic parents. One loved and trusted everyone. The other trusted no one. One's life is all about giving. The other gives little. One worships God and believes in the Savior Jesus. Her sister wants nothing to do with organized religion and relies on Buddhism to find spiritual strength. One loves the truth while the other tells lies like she doesn't even realize she's doing it and wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face. Same hand, different strategy for living.
The most important word in Solomon's statement is "then." It implies that something comes before the overflowing barns and brimming wine vats: Honor God and give.
Only when we do the one thing will the other thing result. Cause and effect.
The cause of one sister's tormented, disjointed, dishonest and untrusting life, is her choice to turn away from God and hoard whatever she has for herself and her own family. The cause of the other sister's peace, joy and hope in the Lord is her decision to honor God and give back to Him what was His in the first place.
Neither woman is homeless or in need of anything. But the final outcome of this game is still to come. One's hand promises only eternal suffering. The other's wins entrance to heaven - forever glorifying God and sharing in overflowing barns and brimming vats.
Let's not get too excited about those brimming vats - there will be no drunkeness in heaven. These are only metaphors for God's abundant blessings!
We are faced with choices every day. We can look up, choose not to sink into self pity and indulge our addictions, or we can be like the sister condemned to misery today and forever. What will your fate be?
I'm looking forward to the inheritance of my Father!
Father in heaven, how we long to be with You, filled to overflowing with Your goodness! Give us this day, our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation, but keep us on the path to Your great banquet hall. Remind us to be thankful for all that we have, to leave what was done in the past, and to keep our eyes on the blessings to come. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.