Proverbs 3:3-4 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
I might have known a hundred men
Who left my heart in shatters;
But I will rise to love again,
For loving is what matters.
Before I became a Christian I had fallen into depression and alcoholism which caused me to make a lot of really bad choices. It was interesting that today of all days, as I was looking for some old documents, I came across poetry I had written in those days, the laments of a love-lorn young woman.
In my teens, despite coming from a broken home and having experienced unjust and painful peer rejection from early on, already I understood that nothing in life was more important than to love.
You'll note I didn't say to be loved.
Whether one calls it karma, the law of sowing and reaping, cause and effect or whatever, the fact of the matter is, what we give is what we receive. If you're a taker, others will take from you. If you're mean spirited, others will be unkind to you. If you're vindictive, others will seek revenge against you. This is simply the way life operates.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Be loving and faithful to God and those around you and you will reap the blessings.
Early in my recovery as I was beginning my amends, I went to my sponsor asking how to deal with people who had hurt me when I had done nothing to hurt them. She said, "forgive them, pray the blessings you would want in your own life would be poured out on them."
This is what it means to have love and faithfulness permeate your soul. It's not about what we get, it's about what we give. The natural result is the blessings of God.
Pray for those who have done you wrong. It will heal your soul.
Heavenly Father, You are holy and majestic yet merciful and forgiving. You are faithful and loving to us even though we don't deserve it. May we listen to the heartbeat of the Holy Spirit prompting us to shine the love of Jesus onto those around us, even and especially those who have hurt us. Give us hearts to forgive, overflowing with love and faithfulness to all, for Your glory. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.