I've had spells in my spiritual life when the well was dry, while I walked a parched and dusty road in search of refreshment.
During those times I was unable to praise God or pray, and isolated myself from friends or mentors who might offer wise counsel. Sometimes I've even doubted God, or been angry with Him for being silent. In these times, I was but one jigger away from losing my abstinence. Only by the grace of God did I not quench my thirst for spiritual fulfillment with the poison of demise.
But without question, every single time, when I finally found my way back to the well of living water, I realized what the problem had been. Me.
In Judges, we learned how time and again the Israelites listened to a wise leader for a few years, worshipped God and were blessed. Then they would intermingle with the inhabitants of the lands they lived in, who were not Jews, and got tangled up in idolatry. Things would go way south for a period until Israel cried out for God to rescue them. God was always faithful to bail them out and again they would walk with and worship Him for a time.
Beloved, we are no different today. When things fall apart, we suddenly realize we have not made God first in our lives - we've relied on other things, put our hope in materialism or other human beings. No amount of money, no fame or lover, nothing on this earth can redeem us but God alone.
Come to the well of living water and be refreshed.
The wicked will walk in the desert of their own souls, the unfaithful will not find His land of refreshment.