Prov 2:12-15 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.
One day I went up to the mountains to take some pictures. I went alone, as I usually do. Now I need to share with you that my body isn't what it used to be. before I injured my back, I was thin, agile and an avid hiker. Sometimes my head forgets I'm now 30 pounds heavier with a floppy foot, little strength and move at the pace of a snail.
On this particular day, I hiked awhile until I heard the sound of rushing water, exactly what I was looking for - a waterfall. A group of youth packing snowboards on their way up to the glacier gladly pointed the way for me, through the woods, up the mountain.
With my pack full of camera gear on my back and using my tripod as a walking stick, I trekked up a wooded hill through the forest toward the sound of the falls. Like the Energizer bunny I kept going and going and going, all the while becoming weaker and wearier. I must say, I think the Energizer bunny could go much further than I.
I went up as far as my legs could carry me (I'm guessing about a mile up a mountain slope.) The creek ran some thirty or forty feet below a pine-needle strewn rocky embankment. Now I needed to get into a position where I could photograph the cascade of water rushing down from the glacier further up the mountain. Ideally, this would be at water's edge, which I knew I couldn't get to. But little by little I made my way down the slippery tree lined embankment to find an angle, wedging myself between evergreens for support as I went. I fired off a few shots that were nothing to write home about. And then it was time to retreat.
As often happens, I'd come much further than I realized, amazed at the distance I'd covered inch by inch. And I was exhausted. Along with the physical labor involved in these little journeys, it's accompanied by mental fatigue from deep concentration and fear of the least little mistake that could lead to a disastrous fall. All of this is taking place over the course of a few hours. At one point on the climb back up, I hugged a sappy pine, cried, prayed, regrouped and and kept going.
As I reached the top of the embankment, my victory was dampened by the prospect of the distance I still had to hike down to my car, with my back pack that suddenly seemed much heavier than when I'd started.
Crooked paths can take many forms. When we walk with Jesus, Wisdom is our constant companion. Many times I've ignored her melodic voice, opting instead to listen to my own heart, which can be every bit as crooked as the thief in the night.
That day, as soon as my legs began to tremble a quarter of the way up, Wisdom whispered, "Anne, you should turn back." But I thought to myself, it can't be much further, I hear the water rushing.
As I started down the steep embankment Wisdom said, "you can't get close enough to get any good shots, you could fall and no one would hear you call for help. You have no cell phone reception from here. Don't go down there." But I thought, heck, I've come this far, I'm getting some photographs if it kills me.
As I adjusted my backpack for the trek back, Wisdom said, "Anne, you have enough rocks in your collection. Leave all those rocks you picked up along the way." I actually pulled a few out and considered tossing them, but they were so beautiful I just couldn't let them go.
I could hardly walk or do much of anything for a week after that little venture. In the same way Wisdom spoke to me throughout that day, she speaks to us all the time, telling us what God would have us do for our own good.
Our tormentors may be someone who wants to take us out for a drink, offers us drugs at a party, or tells us one piece of chocolate cake won't hurt. The abstinence we've worked hard to maintain is easily threatened.
Wisdom will guide us the right way if we listen. Satan works very hard at leading us down the crooked path. Wisdom works just as hard at steering us the right direction, to save us from ourselves. Who do I listen to?
Father guide us in paths of righteousness. Would we hear the voice of Wisdom by the power of the Holy Spirit. Would we pay attention, take the right road, and find true peace in following Your divine direction. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.