Of late, tracing my family history and revisiting early memories have taken me often down paths I'd long forgotten and buried. Although there were moments of peace or joy in my childhood, for the most part, it was full of chaos, fear, dread, sadness and longing for love and security.
My first encounter with Jesus was one of those brief moments of goodness when I was five. If I charted the spiritual route from physical birth to when I was reborn in Christ, I can pinpoint each encounter with my Savior clearly, each nuance of His presence in my life, the number of times He physically saved me from death or serious harm.
There have been times after sobriety and in my walk of faith that I've been angry at circumstances and screamed at God, "why did I have to live this life?! Why couldn't I grow up in a normal healthy family?!" The Holy Spirit has always given me the same answer, "it's all part of the plan for your life to be used for the purposes of God for His glory."
I may not want to be on this particular path, but it's mine. It's the one chosen for me by my omniscient Father in heaven who certainly knows what's best. Sometimes I stand in the shadows, moving only by the prodding of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I stand in the shafts of warm sunlight, basking in soothing rays of comfort. Always, I know God is with me, Guard and and Protector of the faithful.
O Lord my God! May we always be faithful, may we always turn to You in every difficulty and praise Your holy name, understanding that all we go through is ultimately for our own good and Your glory. May we never forget the many times you have saved us from the pit of despair, the hands of death, and the fear of loss. That we may remain abstinent from those things that ensnare us with addiction, strengthen our faith, bolster our resolve, shine a light in our hearts to bring hope for a better tomorrow. In Jesus' name, amen.