Proverbs 2:9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.
(Then, referring to abiding in the wisdom of God.)
My parents divorced before I could understand the dynamics of marriage and human nature. My dad was a brutal alcoholic who failed to recover because, as one dear life-long family friend put it, "he refused to concede that a power greater than himself could restore him to sanity."
There is literally only one element that determines our ability to stay the course - the wisdom of God. In order to have it, one must believe He has it to give. To believe He has it to give, one must believe He is. If one doesn't believe, well, I think you're smart enough to figure that one out.
Are you one of those? Have you perhaps stumbled onto this blog looking for help and are now laughing, saying to yourself, "you stupid blind sheep, following a fairy-tale shepherd-God."
Okay, let's pretend for a minute you're right. You've realized you're powerless over your addiction, whatever it is, and you want to stop but can't seem to do it on your own. Who, my friend, will you rely on? You can't rely on yourself, you've already proven that. Your friends can't help you - they've all either turned their backs on you in disgust or encouraged you to keep doing what you're doing that's destroying your life. Your parents can't help - maybe they're the reason you're in this mess in the first place. You've destroyed all your relationships, burned all your bridges and now you're out there on your own, laughing at us who trust in a divine Creator.
It's not easy to concede there's a God when you've always been self-reliant. Has your way worked? Are you losing everything because of your addiction? Has it brought you embarrassment and shame?
Let me give you a challenge. Do you believe in air? You can't see it, touch it, pick up in your hand. How do you know it's really there? Do you believe in gravity? Can't see that. Can't pick that up and snuggle it. Don't even have to tie your feet to it. But it keeps your feet firmly planted on the ground.
In the same way, we don't see God. Can't touch or smell or taste Him. But we know He's there because he provides all the intelligence of the universe. He provides the very awareness that you're you. How do I know this? The same way you know your lungs fill with air every time you suck in a breath.
Have you ever been about to do something you shouldn't and heard a little voice in your head say, "probably not a good idea." That's God. You went to McDonald's and ordered that fat-filled nutrient-free Big Mac and a little voice said, "coulda had a V-8." That's God. You got into your car and drove when you were drunk despite the voice that told you, "take a cab." That was God. You smacked your kid when he was crying, demanding he shut up, and the little voice said, "he's just a boy who needs love you do." That's God.
You can deny God until you're blue in the face. Lucky for you, He'll never do that to you. He'll wait as long as it takes and longer. The fact is, if you really want help for your addiction, you'll need to let go of belief in yourself and concede that a power greater than yourself can restore you to sanity.
Then all you have to do is ask.
And wait for the miracle to happen.
It will blow you mind.
Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. It will all make sense.
O Lord, for the one today who still tries to lean on his own understanding, I pray Your infinite wisdom will permeate the hardened heart and seep into the frozen soul. Would You pour it out like a warm and soothing shower that cleanses body, mind and spirit. Draw him or her to Yourself, wrapped in Your loving mercy, filled with hope and free to grow in Your goodness. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
If you haven't found a relationship with Jesus Christ and want to know what that's all about, please write to me. He's just waiting patiently for you to call on His name to bring forgiveness and healing to your soul. Just click the Email link at the bottom of the blog and share your story with me.