We find ourselves now at Step 4, taking a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

James 1:19-22
19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. NIV

In the AA recovery book many refer to as the big book, the authors tell us resentment is the "number one" offender. Interesting that James tells us, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Whether many know it or not, the AA book is based on Biblical principles and we are told throughout Scripture that anger will get us into trouble.

James goes on to say, get rid of all moral filth and evil. Let's look at the context of James' theology. He writes to all the tribes scattered among the nations - that would be everyone. He's writing about keeping oneself in God's word, following it closely and living obediently. What happens when we stray from the course? We find ourselves wandering in dark allies, chasing after our lusts and falling into the ways of the world. Go back and read How it Works again. you cannot read this chapter too much or too often.

What then is the result? We start blaming others for all our troubles. It's a wicked and deadly game we play and we must put an end to it if we are to get well.

So we must set pen to paper and look deep within our hearts, asking God to reveal in us everything that hinders our walk with Jesus. We begin with resentments - reliving feelings of hurt and anger for life's injustices.

Who am I angry at? Why? How does it affect me?

What was my part? This is the hardest part of this exercise. If somebody abused me, how can that be my fault? How can I have a part in that? Dig deep. Pray. God will reveal it to you. This is a searching and fearless moral inventory.

We look at our fears. I hide behind my addiction because of fear. What am I afraid of? Who am I afraid of? How does it affect me? We pray and ask God to remove our fears, relying on His strength to help us overcome whatever impedes our recovery.

Finally, the issue of sex must be dealt with. This for Christians may be the most difficult area to face. But face it we must or we shall die in our addictions. Get rid of all moral filth and evil, says James. Let's look at some ways we might be off track in our Christian walk:

Dressing inappropriately
Television and movie choices
Self indulgence
Dancing inappropriately
Going to bars or other places of temptation
Dirty jokes
Withholding from my spouse
Using for power or control of another person
Over use of make up
How do I present myself in public? On the Internet? With my words?

I'm sure you can think of others. Dig deep. Be honest. How have you behaved inappropriately and how has it affected your life? Other People?

Father, You are holy and powerful, yet merciful and loving. We confess we've strayed far from you in our anger, fear and lust. Lord, we submit our hearts before You and beseech You to reveal every dark corner that needs cleaning. Purify us by the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins. Restore us to sanity that we might once again turn to You alone for our satisfaction, to relieve all anger, fear and unholy desire. Help us to etch Your word on our hearts to call on in our times of need. Holy Spirit, may we listen to Your prompting to be free of self, willing to serve others according to Your purposes. In Jesus' name, amen.


Good Morning and praise God for a beautiful autumn day in Colorado and wherever you are!

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.
~ Psalm 5:3, NLT

There's a lovely way to start the day. Listen to my voice Lord...

We're at Step 3, from How it Works in the book of recovery, "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over the the care of God as we understood Him."

Have you made that decision? Are you ready to make that decision? It's just a decision.

Suppose I don't have any food in the cupboards and I'm hungry. I decide I need to go to the grocery store to get something to make for dinner. Does that decision put food on the table? Well of course not. I have to follow that decision with actions: put my shoes on, get my car keys, get in my car, start the car, drive to the store, do my shopping, bring the stuff home, cook the meal and eat it.

In the same way, making a decision to turn my life and will over to God must be followed by action. Prayer will help to move us into action. Bill Wilson provided a simple prayer in How it Works, written in rather archaic language, but you can say it any way that comes from your heart.

Father, I've made a fine mess of things down here. I've been selfish and self-centered, always wanting my own way - even demanding my own way. I've lived my life in self-will run riot and it hasn't done me a bit of good. Lord I know You love me, Your word tells me in Ephesians 2:10 You created me with a plan in mind, You have a purpose for my life. Now I ask you to forgive me for wandering down a road to destruction in disobedience. Bring me back into Your loving care. Holy Spirit, guide me according to my Father's plans, keep my eyes focused on the One who saved me, and grant me wisdom, strength and boldness to live for the gospel. Listen to my voice Lord, as I bring my request to You and wait expectantly! In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Great news - when I can't, He can! We can wait expectantly now, rejoicing that He will provide exactly what we need to stay on this road to recoery and become all that He intends for us to be for His purposes. Keep coming back, keep trusting Jesus!


In Step 2 from How it Works, we came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

So in Step 1 we accepted that we have a problem and that we were powerless to overcome it on our own. Since we're Christians, we have no problem trusting our Sovereign God to help us with this problem. But perhaps we had prayed for years to lose weight, stop drinking, give up the online role playing game - whatever our problem is that threatened to ruin us - and still nothing changed. So now we're going to look at this with a fresh mind and willingness.

You may recall reading about David's life, he struggled with some heavy stuff. Come on, let's face it, the guy had issues. He's married to God only knows how many women. He sees this gorgeous dame bathing on the rooftop across the way and decides he's king, he wants her, and he's going to have his way. He sends for her, seduces and falls in love with her and has her husband sent to the front lines in battle to his death. Of course poor old Uriah the Hittite didn't have a chance.

If you want the whole sordid story, it's the great romance/murder novel of the ages and you can read it here.

David was a selfish, self-centered, prideful sinner. Yet God loved him and blessed him over and over. He also allowed him to suffer the consequences of his sins.

If God could restore David after all he'd done, do you think he can handle our little problem?

When we realize God is on our side and wants to restore us for His purposes, we're ready to move on.

Dear Lord, I do realize I can't fix my problem alone. I need You. I know where I can't, You can! I believe Jesus died on the cross for me to give me new life in You and I know by the power of the Holy Spirit You can restore me from the insanity of my addiction. I am Yours Father, do as You will with me. In Jesus' name, amen.


There's plenty of dirt on us, we know that. The stains have been screaming at us. So we've come to a point when we can say, "yep, there's a problem. I'm it."

In The Doctor's Opinion, (Alcoholics Anonymous) we learn that our problem is an abnormality of the mind. An aberration if you will. An aberrant lens can never be fixed or made to acheive accurate focus. It will always produce flawed images. To the master photographer, it's useless.

So are we hopeless in with our abnormal minds? Ah, by the grace of God we have a filter that corrects the problem in the human mind - that filter is the blood of Christ. What the photographer wouldn't pay for a perfecting filter such as God provides the human heart!

Heb 9:14-15
14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! 15 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance-now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. NIV

If you don't understand this concept, please go back to the Introduction. This is a Christian recovery devotion. The introduction will help you understand the saving grace of Jesus.

We must first come to that place of absolute awareness. There's no getting around it. Step one in How it Works (Alcoholics Anonymous) says, "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable." You can put anything in place of the word alcohol - drugs, pornography, food - whatever is your compulsion or obsession.

If you're just getting started, this is where we start. We can go no further until we're willing to admit we have an aberrant mind and are powerless of our own accord to do anything about it. That's Step One. Our lives are out of control. Our relationships are damaged, perhaps we've lost jobs due to our problem, our children are affected, our ability to fully serve God is hindered and we feel utterly without hope. We must first admit these things.

When I came to AA 18 + years ago, I had hit a very hard bottom. I'd lost just about everything except my 3 jobs. They were the only thing that kept me believing I was a person of worth despite everything else I'd screwed up due to my drinking. I had no problem admitting I was powerless over alcohol and my life was unmanageable. In that process I began to see other things in my life I was using to fill the emptiness in me - the God sized void in my heart. I walked through the 12 steps with good guidance from a sponsor, surrounded myself by others in recovery, and knew all the "recovery speak" by heart. I had memorized much of the AA book and have maintained sobriety, by the grace of God, for going on 19 years.

Today, I'm struggling with powerlessness over food. The biggest problem I have is that I haven't hit a hard bottom. It's too easy to compare myself to others and say to myself, "I'm not there yet." I haven't had the medical problems others have due to food abuse, didn't hide food for myself, didn't obsess about food. In fact, I don't even like food, so how can I call myself a compulsive over-eater? Yet, I'm 30 pounds overweight and miserable. I'm unable to do the things I'd like to as a result of low energy, joint issues and high blood pressure. I definitely have a problem because I've been unable to lose the weight no matter what I do. I can wait until it gets worse: until I'm so fat I can hardly walk, until I land in the hospital with a heart attack, until I loathe myself and eat to satisfy my heartache. But I don't want to wait. I don't want to be there. I'm having a hard enough time where I am. Somehow I need to make that bottom come up. Food abuser. I can admit that. I abuse food. I may not be a compulsive over-eater, but I don't use food the way God intended. I'm lazy, unorganized and looking for an easier softer way.

What stands in your way of recovering from whatever it is that controls your life? Do you need to move your bottom up? Is there another way to look at your problem that makes more sense to you and helps you see how damaging it is to your life and faith? Are we being all we can be for God?

Lord, I admit I'm powerless over over this problem, that I'm unwise in my choices and how they affect my family. My foolishness has caused pain and problems in my home and it's out of control. Make this plain to me as I move forward in the steps of recovery, in order that I might see clearly the deinial and sin that impedes my recovery. Thank You Jesus, for the blood You shed to correct the lens through which the Father sees me. May my actions and attitudes reflect Your light in my life. In Your precious name I pray, amen.


Perhaps you've seen this commercial: Two guys in an interview. One guy has a stain on his shirt. The other guy is looking at the stain. Stain guy is explaining stuff to other guy and all other guy hears is a bunch of garbled nonsense because the stain is so distracting.

I'm other guy. The stains of the world are driving me nuts and all I can hear is "blugaduba, gabula, ah! Blogaba dagaha, bluttle dud." It's all noise.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
~ John 10:27, NLT

It's pretty hard to listen to what the Lord says to me when the stains of the world are blotting out His voice. That noise convinces me it has something to offer me and I go off on tangents that threaten my recovery.

What threatens your recovery today? What are the stains you're focused on that keep you from hearing the voice of your Savior? Are you ready to submit to admit you need help? Ready to submit to the One who CAN help?

Heavenly Father, I submit to you today, all the stains of this world that distract me. Block out the noise of the world and unplug the ears of my heart to hear Your majestic voice. Holy Spirit, speak to me, guide me with Your plans for me today that I might follow my good Shepherd and further Your kingdom according to Your purposes for my life. Help me in my recovery, one day at a time. In Jesus' name, amen.

Introduction to Christian Recovery

Rom 5:1-25:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. NIV

In this first recovery devotion, I sat pondering where to begin. The Holy Spirit prompted, begin at the beginning...

Where is the beginning? Creation? We'll save that for another day. For us as Christians, life begins with faith in Jesus, the path to eternal salvation. We were lost in our sin, we came to believe that Jesus died for us and accepted His death on the cross as atonement for our sins. Romans 11:6 tells us by faith we are saved, not by works.

I know for a fact that some of you don't really understand what that means, even though you would say you're a Christian - you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't believe you're a Christian :-) But maybe you feel there's something missing, as I once did.

For many years I attended a certain church, had been sprinkled, confirmed, and received all the sacraments regularly, and I called myself a Christian. I attended worship daily and would kneel in this ornate cathedral, staring up at the crucifix praying, "Jesus, how can I know you?"

Despite all my piousness, I was living a life of terrible sin. No amount of confession could save me. I was lost. I was lost because although I looked at images of Jesus daily, I had no relationship with Him. He was just a statue, an icon, a painting, a sculpture on a cross. I didn't understand salvation, that it means far more than simply believing Jesus was a real person. There was a longing in my heart for Jesus that burned in my soul.

Look at it this way. Suppose I'm in the hospital with a deathly illness. The doctor comes in with a bag of antibiotics that he wants to connect to my IV. He says, "this medicine will cure you, will you accept it?" And you say, "I believe you." So again the doc says, "Will you receive this medicine?" and you say again, "I believe you." Do you see where I'm going with this? It's not enough to believe the chemicals can save your life, you must receive them.

The Jews struggled daily to live up to the law, which had become far more than the 10 commandments God gave to Moses. The list of rules was endless - no man could live up to them. But they tried and those who were righteous in their own eyes were full of pride - the greatest sin of all. If Jesus didn't die to deliver us from the law, then His crucifixion was for naught.

But God is faithful and just, He hears the prayer of our hearts and comes to our rescue. God knows the beginning and the end and He has known before you were born exactly where you would be at this moment. He knew who would choose Him and who would turn away. He knew I desired to know Him more than anything. So many years ago, the Holy Spirit prompted me to be in the right place at the right time to hear the right message - the message of salvation. That day I finally understood, and came face to face with Jesus, recognizing my deficiency, asking His forgiveness, seeking His lordship to rule me, a Shepherd to guide me forever.

Since that day I began an unforgettable journey with Jesus. The transformation was instantaneous and amazing. The Holy Spirit gives me the fuel to keep going when I'm sure I can't go on. He gives me hope, strength, joy and compassion. He prompts me to reach out to others, to write, to bring hope and encouragement to a hurting world.

Today I live for the Lord, not myself. I have purpose. When the world shadows me in darkness He lights my way. When I feel hopeless He comforts me. When I'm afraid He is my shield. When I doubt He reassures me. When I'm weak He is my strength. When I fall down He picks me up.
If you're in that place of searching, if you've always longed for a real relationship with Jesus but just didn't get it, today is the day. He stands at the door knocking. Open the door and invite Him in. He will change your life.

It's this simple, really. You can pray a prayer along these lines - but make it your own. Speak from your heart to the One who loves you. It's not about the words you pray but the heart that prays them. It's about acknowledging our unworthiness and God's awesome mercy and ability to heal and lead us. It's about emptying ourselves of self and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us for God's purposes. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you now, with your own words from your innermost being.

Jesus, I know I'm a sinner and that nothing I can do, no works of my own can change that. Only You have the power to change my heart and make me whole. I know You died to cover my sins, that You are the atonement for my sins. Come into my life Rabbi! Teach me Jesus. Be my Savior, my guiding light. Give me that heart of daily, moment by moment repentance that convicts me the instant my heart strays. Walk with me through life and show me the way. I trust in You and give my heart to You, that You would take up residence in me. Holy Spirit move in me to fulfill Your purposes in my life. In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

That's it. You're made new. Today begins the most amazing journey of your life for the rest of your life. Welcome to the kingdom of heaven! Real recovery begins today.

Eph 2:8-108 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. NKJV

Our faith rests in Jesus who has all power and authority. Through Him, we have endless power over food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs -whatever has a hold on you. Through Him we have victory. We can confess our temptation the minute it enters our thoughts and dispel those attacks of the enemy with the tools we've been given. Today, I turn my sinful compulsions over to Jesus who gives me the power to make wise choices and the weapons to fight the devil's lure.

Lord Jesus, thank You for paying the ultimate price for my sake. Thank You for infusing me with Your amazing power to overcome that which threatens our abstinence. We claim victory over our compulsion through Your power within us. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Keep coming back. Today's devotion was a much longer than you can expect in the future. We covered a lot in one session here today. My commitment is to provide fresh daily recovery devotions, based on Scripture, to help you along your journey to recover from whatever it is that keeps you from being the man or woman God intended you to be. My service ensures my recovery too!