Proverbs 2:6
For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
I have committed to the Lord, to myself and to you that I will share my quiet time journal every day for the glory of God. I do love to write and it comes naturally to me. I actually think better when I can see my thoughts on paper, or the computer screen, whichever the case may be. But that doesn't mean it's easy.
It takes discipline to do this the first thing every single day. I write three blogs, each with a different Scriptural focus. I derive great joy and satisfaction from doing so, but it comes with a great degree of accountability and responsibility.
As I sit here and ponder the words of Solomon this morning, reading them out loud, slowly, many times, I'm asking the Holy Spirit what He wants to teach me that I can share.
For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. In truth, from God's mouth comes EVERYTHING. He spoke, it became. Scripture is the inspiration of God Himself, given to those who diligently put pen to papyrus thousands of years ago. What they did then was not so different than what I do daily. They wanted to be sure God's word was shared and used to further His kingdom for His glory.
In this instance, we look at how the Scripture helps us abstain from our addictions. To many of those in twelve step programs who don't know Jesus or the Bible, the Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, fondly referred to as "the big book," is all the inspiration they need. In fact Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob were both Christian men who returned to the faith of their youth when they sobered up. The wisdom of the twelve steps is taken directly from the Bible. Whether non-Christian people in recovery want to acknowledge it or not, Jesus is affecting them to remain abstinent.
In the first three steps of AA we admit we're powerless over our addictions, acknowledge that only a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity, and make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God (as we understand Him.)
In becoming a Christian, we admit we're sinners, acknowledge that Jesus is the Savior, and make a decision to follow Him and do the will of God. (Acts 16:31, Romans 3:22, Romans 10:10)
In Steps Four through nine, we consider all we've done, confess our sins and do all that we can to make amends for our damaging behavior.
As a Christian we continually seek the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin and confess often, promptly correct our wrongdoing, and seek God's will for our lives, praying for change in our hearts and willingness to overcome adversity. (1 John 1:9, 1 Peter 3:11)
In the last three Steps of the program, we continually watch for problems, adjusting where necessary. We seek God through daily prayer and meditation to grow along spiritual lines, and having overcome our addictions, we reach out to others however possible.
As we begin to grow in Christian faith, we pray, meditate on and memorize Scripture. Finally, we are convicted to share the gospel, the good news of the saving grace of Jesus, with others. (Acts. 20:24, Mark 16:15)
The parallels are unmistakable. The wisdom of our recovery program comes straight from the Bible. If we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, inerrant in the original text and rightly translated for modern understanding, we comprehend that Scripture is direct communication from our Lord Himself. And From His mouth comes wisdom.
Father, You are truly amazing. You who created the entire universe, a monumental task we cannot even get our words around let alone our minds and hearts, have given us Your very words to live by. Your wisdom is like sweet music in our ears, purified blood coursing through our veins, sweetest honey on our lips. It is the very bread of life itself. May we meditate on these encouraging thoughts today as we follow our Savior up this holy mountain to meet with You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.