Wow, we're at the top of the mountain and what a view! I may still be carrying some baggage - amends aren't made in a day. But we've reached the apex of this amazing journey and it feels good to look at where we've come from. With each amends we grow stronger, more confident, more resolute in our recovery.
Now, in Step 10 we look daily at our actions and attitudes and make immediate amends for any error along the way.
Before bed, we review our day, thanking God for all we did right and confessing anything that led us astray. We seek God daily, morning and evening, for praise, thanksgiving, confession and guidance. This is the 11th Step.
I love the ACTS method of prayer, because it follows the leading of Jesus as He taught the disciples in the Lords prayer.
- Adoration (praise God for who He is, not what He does...holy, creator, magnificant, majestic, mighty...)
- Confession (sincere and repentent)
- Thanksgiving (for everything including trials of all kinds)
- Supplication (seeking the desires of our hearts in accordance with God's will.)
All of these steps have certainly led us to a spiritual awakening - an awareness of both our difficulties and victories. We have a testimony to tell! Let's not take that lamp and put it under a bushel, but share it with others in need. The 12th Step should find us shouting God's glory from the top of the ladder!
The world is full of seeking people; those seeking God and those seeking recovery from the pains of living in a sinful world. Now you have an opportunity to take what you've learned and share it with others. You can do that by serving your local recovery group meetings, sponsoring people in your recovery program, online recovery service and many other ways. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you according to His plans and purposes for your life.
From here on out, we'll meet for a daily devotion based on Biblical concepts as they relate to recovery. I look forward to sharing my heart with you as often as possible. If I miss a few days, please keep checking back - I may be away on ministry or just taking a break. My call is to write and pray so I'll always be back :-)
See you on the road to recovery!
In the love of Jesus,
anne, addicted to The Savior