Perhaps you've seen this commercial: Two guys in an interview. One guy has a stain on his shirt. The other guy is looking at the stain. Stain guy is explaining stuff to other guy and all other guy hears is a bunch of garbled nonsense because the stain is so distracting.
I'm other guy. The stains of the world are driving me nuts and all I can hear is "blugaduba, gabula, ah! Blogaba dagaha, bluttle dud." It's all noise.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
~ John 10:27, NLT
It's pretty hard to listen to what the Lord says to me when the stains of the world are blotting out His voice. That noise convinces me it has something to offer me and I go off on tangents that threaten my recovery.
What threatens your recovery today? What are the stains you're focused on that keep you from hearing the voice of your Savior? Are you ready to submit to admit you need help? Ready to submit to the One who CAN help?
Heavenly Father, I submit to you today, all the stains of this world that distract me. Block out the noise of the world and unplug the ears of my heart to hear Your majestic voice. Holy Spirit, speak to me, guide me with Your plans for me today that I might follow my good Shepherd and further Your kingdom according to Your purposes for my life. Help me in my recovery, one day at a time. In Jesus' name, amen.